Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marketing and Variable Cost Variances Essay

(a) Refer to the Kinkead templates provided on the unit website. Template (A) calculates the market size, market share, sales mix, sales price and variable cost variances for each product and, Template (B) calculates the market size, market share, sales price, and variable cost variances for each product. Which analysis is most appropriate for Kinkead? A or B? Give reasons. Templete (b) What strategy is electric meters and electric instruments pursuing? ‘Dog’, ‘Cash cow’, ‘Star’, or ‘Question mark’. Analysing the relationship between the BCG matrix and the product of Kinkead, market share and market growth are the considerable reason to measure. Kinkead’s products are grouped into two main product lines which are electric meters(EM) and electric instruments(EI). First, for the EM product, according to template, the variance of the size of the market is unfavorable, the size of the market because their budget is 800000, but the actual market size of 650000, it does not implement the expectations. The EM market share difference to 0, with 10% constant of the actual and budgeted position, it will not change. Therefore, they are a cash cow. Therefore, EM is the Cash Cow. Additionally, the Kinkead has been a leading Australia firm, and EM is the older but still dominant technology. Followed by EI table EI of the variance of the size of the market for 374,464 budgets, the size of the market for 250,000, lower than the actual market size of 363,500, more than expected. The market share variance is 241,321 Unfavorable which has decrease from 10% to 8%. Therefore, EI is question mark. In addition, EI’s future is uncertain, because from the case it says EI technology is new and still experimental. (c) What aspects of performance are important for a product pursuing each of those strategies and which variances reflect those aspects of performance? (d) Critically evaluate the performance of the two divisions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Econ103 end term paper Essay

1. In your own words and in a maximum of 250 words for each concept, briefly explain the essence of each of the following emerging economic ideas. Imagine explaining them to someone who has not studied economic history. What are they really about? (20 points) A. Perlas’ 3-Folding Concept as applied in Philippine Agenda 21 B. Caring Economics C. Conscious Capitalism D. Natural Capitalism E. Sacred Economics 2. Still in your own words, accomplish the following summary table about the emerging economic ideas studied. Use easily understandable key words/phrases. You may further explain below the table if necessary (25 points): Idea Definition Key Principles/Elements & Framework Key Strategies (How the Idea will be Accomplished) A. Perlas’ 3-Folding Concept as applied in the PhilippineAgenda 21 An action for a sustainable development where the civil society, the government and businesses help each other to reach a certain goal. Cooperation among sectors of the society. B. Caring Economics Caring economics deals with giving importance to human beings and the environment as a part of the society and development. Human rights and other rights should be implemented and punishment among those who does not care for the life of human beings and the environment. C. Conscious Capitalism A type of capitalism where there is no self – interest instead the conditions of others or employees and other people are not being for granted but always take in to consideration. Employees should be given equal rights like the owners and observe right mind setting in making decisions. D. Natural Capitalism  In natural economics, capitalists are being reminded to also invest in natural resources so that there will still be source of raw materials and in times of calamity, the environment would be protected. Restrict and not allow businesses that would not agree on investing a portion of their income for reserving the environment. E. Sacred Economics Sacred economics state that true happiness is not having a lot of money. It is explained that money is man- made and what is more important are those things created by God that can give us real happiness. Having the mentality that above everything else, happiness is what we want and being contented with what we have is already enough. Having a lot of money will not make us very happy. 3. Always in your own words throughout the rest of your paper, compare and contrast the emerging economic ideas you’ve just explained in No. 1. What are their similarities and differences? Discuss in detail. (15 points) 3. Analyze how EACH of the emerging economic ideas fulfill (or not fulfill) the goals and criteria of development according to: I. the Catholic Church’s AUTHENTIC DEVELOPMENT concept, II. the United Nation’s SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT, and The criteria of development according to the UN’s Sustainable Development concept, Development is the capability to improve without sacrificing or compromising what is there for the future. Development is like having freedom, there is no servitude, a person is able to do something because he/ she knows that he/ she can, there is self-confidence within himself/herself. In addition, development is when there is respect in the society , when there is  sustenance that each person can say that â€Å"I’ve had enough and I am contented†. This criteria of development is somehow like the Sacred economics, there is real happiness when people are contented and live in an environment where there is respect and freedom. III. PEACE AS DEVELOPMENT. Discuss in detail. Use the â€Å"Lenses of Development† lecture file found in the egroup Lectures> Current Material folder (also in as well as any additional research you might want to make. (30 points) 4. Given your preceding discussion and analysis, what are your conclusions (CONCLUDING REMARKS) about these emerging economic ideas? (10 points) In my own opinion, the emerging economic ideas would be successful fully if only people especially business owners , the government are willing to cooperate by doing those. Indeed, real happiness is when you can say that I am really happy and contented of what I have. In fact, there is no need for money to be happy but all we need is love, if we have the love of the people around us, we could say that we are happy. The emerging economic ideas are primarily concerned about the real wealth of the society, human beings and the environment. If people would only think of these two things and how will their decisions affect the human beings and the environment, probably there would be no extra expense for them especially for those who are in the government and owners of businesses because if they would only invest in protecting and preserving of the natural resources and environment, there would probably no destructions brought by calamities such as floods and landslides that destroyed their businesses. 5. Please also attach your individually accomplished 21st Century Skills updated survey form at the end of your paper. The form is found in the Assignments> Current Material folder of the egroup, the same folder where this instructions file is found. Format: Letter-sized bond paper, double-spaced, with pagination at the upper right hand corner, 1-inch margins all around, with cover page showing contributing members’ names and individual contributions and class schedule,  and References page (if you used additional researched references) in APA Style , 6th edition. SUBMIT IN HARDCOPY BY OCTOBER 14, 2013, 5PM , AT THE CBA FACULTY OFFICE, VIA THE SECRETARIES. PLS. HAVE YOUR COVER PAGE STAMPED WITH RECEIVED DATE AND TIME BY THE SECRETARY.

“A Grain of Wheat” by Ngugi wa Thiong’o Essay

The idea that sacrifice is required before Kenya attains true nationhood, is one of a range of ideas – others being birth, betrayal, heroism and forgiveness – in the novel â€Å"A Grain of Wheat†, by Ngugi wa Thiong’o. It is conveyed through the words and actions of many characters (especially Kihika, Mugo and to a lesser extent Gikonyo), rather than through the author telling us, since the narration is that of a third person. Ngugi explains that sacrifice is needed for the greater good of the nation, and of the people. The author insists that all members of a community must individually and collectively accept responsibility for its growth and well-being. The person in the novel, who epitomises the theme of sacrifice, is Kihika, the past leader of the Movement. Kihika is, for better or worse, the leader most associated with the Christian qualities including sacrifice. Although at first he merely thinks of himself as a saint and a leader, he later talks, and is talked about, in clearly Christ-like terms. General R, for example, refers to Kihika’s death, as a â€Å"crucifixion†. Kihika believes in sacrifice for the greater good of national liberation, and regards it as Christ-like. This is emphasised when Kihika says, â€Å"I die for you, you die for, we become a sacrifice for one another.† Ngugi wa Thiong’o also uses the character of Mugo to present and convey the theme of sacrifice, through his death and betrayal of Kihika. Initially, the villagers of Thabai ask Mugo to lead the Uhuru celebrations, in recognition of what they take to be his â€Å"heroic sacrifice†, by housing Kihika â€Å"without fear†. This in fact is false, when Mugo was the one â€Å"that betrayed the black people everywhere on the earth†. Furthermore when Kihika at a Movement meeting in Rung’ei, calls for sacrifice upon hearing â€Å"the call of a nation in turmoil†, Mugo sits in disgust and thinks to himself â€Å"he could not clap for words that did not touch him†. This shows that Mugo is not willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good of Kenya, unlike Kihika. Mugo at the end of the novel opens his heart and repents, and his act of betrayal be ritually cleansed from the earth by his sacrificial death. Two more characters that the author uses to convey sacrifice in the book are Gikonyo and Githua. Gikonyo betrays and sacrifices his loyalty to the Movement, by confessing to the oath in the detention camp. He does this, in order to secure a quick release from the camp, and re-unite with Mumbi and continue their marriage. But this does not occur, as Mumbi betrays Gikonyo, by making love to Karanja the day that she knew that Gikonyo was coming back. Githua represents the personal effects on individuals of British rule, he says his left leg was amputated because of British bullets (though doubt is cast on this later – it is said he lost his leg in a lorry smash). Ginthua emphasises his sacrifice for his people and doesn’t recognize any benefits from the struggle because of personal misfortune. The individual dramas become more prominent as the narrative progresses, but the rebellion is its point of reference. Mugo, Gikonyo, and Karanja betray the cause of freedom in their different ways, but they also betray themselves, as does Mumbi. Through the guilt they suffer, they arrive at a point of understanding and self-knowledge, and so in the end, the novel offers a possibility of sacrifice, regeneration and birth. The connection between sacrifice and birth is first suggested by the title of the novel, which is explained by the quotation from Corinthian’s at the start of the novel. The presentation of the theme of sacrifice in â€Å"A Grain of Wheat† is put across through a variety of individuals. Kihika’s selfless sacrifice depicts this belief that the unity of the black people is imperative for the country to move forward. Mugo’s deed of treachery as well as his demise at the end of the book also helps putting across the idea of sacrifice in the novel.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critical Analysis 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Analysis 2 - Essay Example Some rationalist ideas and the remnants of Puritan ideas are seen in the Declaration of Independence. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is explain three examples of Rationalist and remnants of Puritan ideas in the Declaration. Whether Puritan ideas seem to be in conflict with Rationalist elements will be investigated.The works of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, John Locke and Thomas Hobbes will be referred to. Rationalism is a philosophic belief in natural rights which is perceived and applied by individuals with the help of reasoning powers (Hill 74). Puritanism, on the other hand, is marked by rigid beliefs on living a pure life devoid of indulgence, and a Christian life in the quest of Godliness and the establishment of the truth of God. The period of Enlightenment (1650 to 1800) believed to be an age of rationalism, evolved from the humanistic changes in religious beliefs of the earlier period and the emergence of puritanism. Puritanism began with Protestant reforms in the early sixteenth century to purify the Church and society of corruption and dogma (Cody & Landlow, 1988). Puritanism was the philosophy of life â€Å"which was carried to New England by the first settlers in the early seventeenth century† (Miller & Johnson 1). Thomas Jefferson’s concept of rationality included the belief in natural rights and an innate moral sense common to all people. One example of rationalist idea in the Declaration is Jefferson’s attack on the practice of slavery in the first draft of the Declaration of Independence. He stated that slavery did not follow the natural law of right to freedom which was a basic human right (Hill 82). Another example of a rationalist idea is that â€Å"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness† (U.S. History 2009). This should mean equal treatment of Africans with white settlers. However,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business and Management Research methods Assignment

Business and Management Research methods - Assignment Example The purpose of this essay is to review and summarize the article, and to include some definitions and preferably challenging research questions in the field. Likewise, the discourse would comply with the requirement of critically reviewing the paper by evaluating its weaknesses and strengths. Finally, suggested ways and opportunities for improving the paper would be presented after a comprehensive analytical and critical reflection is undertaken, as required. Summary of Relevant Details The authors recognized the increasing number of literatures written on the subject of online shopping and acknowledged three clearly defined purposes, to wit: (1) to identify and review current available research studies on online shopping related to media factors influencing buyer behavior and to pinpoint critical dimensions that emerge from these studies; (2) to evaluate and compare the key dimensions on online shopping behavior vis-a-vis traditional shopping channel behavior; and (3) to suggest fut ure thrusts for research on online shopping using the information gathered. ... The four key dimensions were discussed after the tabular presentation of summarized online literatures. The informativeness dimension was defined as an online category of consumer behavior that focuses on elements of â€Å"information relevancy, information accuracy, information comprehensiveness, and information interactivity† (Shen,, 2006, 6). Each distinct variable was explained using various literatures on the subject. The manner by which information comprehensiveness, for instance, was proffered initially indicate that â€Å"information comprehensiveness is a measure of the amount of information furnished by the channel. Consumers expect a certain level of information, and when the information provided by the Web approaches this level, information comprehensiveness is enhanced† (ibid.). The theoretical framework used to explain customer service dimension presented two distinct studies conducted by Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) and Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Ma lhotra (2002) which identified customer service in terms of scales or levels. Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) clearly distinguished variables of reliability/fulfillment, as contrasted to security/privacy, as essential factors to ensure the effective delivery of products and services parallel to according satisfaction. The difference in presentation of data from the research study written by Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Malhotra (2002) falls into the manner by which security and privacy were treated as separate concepts of customer service. The delivery of products is another element taken into account under this dimension. The convenience dimension was presented by the authors by citing it as

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizational analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational analysis - Essay Example We were affiliated to the Saint Vincent’s Hospital until 2010 before the hospital was closed and Beth Israel took over the center. Beth Israel is part of the Continuum Health Partners Corporation, a nonprofit organization which operates a network of hospitals in New York. It provides primary care services and specialty treatments to patients. Apart from offering the aforementioned services, the company also offers services to patients in group and private practice settings and ambulatory centers. Continuum Health Partners Inc. was founded in 1997 by Beth Israel and Saint Luke’s –Roosevelt Hospital. A few years later, Long Island College Hospital and New York Eye and Ear infirmary joined the network. According to its website, it has a $2.1 billion budget and its hospital delivers inpatient care with a capacity of 3,100 certified beds distributed in seven major hospitals facilities in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Continuum Health Partners files an IRS form 990, which is the tax document that allows the IRS and the public to evaluate nonprofit organizations and how they operate. Continuum Health Partners Corporation is a nonprofit organization that can be analyzed by reviewing its mission, tax exemption status, established board of trustees, policies and compensations. A nonprofit organization’s is required to have a mission that benefits the community, society or the world. According to Renz and Associates’ The Jossey-Bass Handbook, â€Å"a nonprofit organization is an unofficial government agency and it is not a business seeking to make profit† (2010, p35). Continuum qualifies as a nonprofit organization because it has a mission to benefit society by providing medical services. According to the organization’s website, â€Å"Continuum’s goal is to ensure that each facility is equipped with the resources needed to provide the best care in a compassionate and friendly environment.† The organization states th at it is well equipped to identify and respond to the health related needs of the population that it serves, especially in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Continuum Health Partner’s main objective is to improve health and health care in the various communities that it serves. In general, it is a network of hospitals that work together to coordinate and deliver a broad spectrum of services to the community. Organizations that claim to be not-for-profit are eligible for tax exemptions. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code states that if an organization qualifies for the exemption, it is required to file form 1023 of the Internal Revenue Service. Even though, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations do not pay federal taxes, they do have to file a form with the IRS which allows them to maintain their tax-exempt status. There are over seventy categories of tax-exempt nonprofit organizations registered in the federal tax law. Continuum Health Partners is registered in line with section 501(c ) of the tax law which means that it is an American tax-exempt, nonprofit organization or association. In addition, Continuum is registered as under section 501(c) 3 of the same laws and therefore is a corporation that aims at promoting health. â€Å"Tax exemption is provided for a variety of organizations, which are described in section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code (Continuum Health Partners, 2009). Exemption is available for cooperative hospital

Friday, July 26, 2019

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Speech - Essay Example In this country, there is discrimination against foreigners. There is discrimination against Indians. There is discrimination against Europeans. There is discrimination against the Americans. There is discrimination against fellow Arabs particularly the Palestinians. The founders of the nation planted the seeds of discrimination among us, and now we are feeling its effects. Many foreigners have been suffering in silence since independence due to discrimination. They do not get equal opportunities like the indigenous people. When we gained independence, our government pursued policies that ensured Palestinians permanently remained refugees. We treated them in a manner that always made them feel that their presence in this country would remain temporary. The government deliberately denied many of them entry visas. As a result, some families were split, and some of them decided to leave the country. We did not give them permanent residence or citizenship, including those who were born here. Our country practices institutionalized discrimination against the Bedoons. The authorities have denied them citizenship despite living in the country for many generations. They are citizens without citizenship. They are barred from government employment, and their children have difficulties in accessing education. They do not move freely because they lack identification and travel documents. They also fear arrests and deportation from the country. Kuwait is the only country that the Bedoon community has ever known. They do not belong to Saudi Arabia. They do not belong to Iraq. They only failed to register themselves as citizens in 1950s because they had not foreseen the benefits of Kuwaiti citizenship. Their failure should not be used as a basis of denying them equal rights like other indigenous populations. Our government has always played tricks on the community by amending the laws so that none of them gets Kuwaiti citizenship. Our country needs broad

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Medical Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Medical Language - Essay Example We put him on a trolley and shifted him to the nearby hospital by ambulance. We made him relax in semiprone position so that he could breathe well. We reached the hospital in 15 minutes. Enroute, his saturations were found to be 87 percent and hence he was started on oxygen. His lungs were filled with fluid. The fluid was more in lower lobes. Examination revealed crepitations on both the sides. His wife told us that he is known patient of congestive heart failure, diabetes and hypertension, on appropriate medication. We were thinking that his preexisting chronic cardiac failure predisposed to this acute exacerbation. The wife was very tensed and cried profusely. She asked me how the patient would do and I did not know much about the condition. On shifting into the emergency room, he was diagnosed to have pulmonary edema. Chest X-ray was ordered and several blood tests, including arterial blood gas analysis were sent. This I came to know from the nurse in the emergency room. I hope th e patient does well. I referred to this condition online and found that pulmonary edema does occur in those with preexisting cardiac failure due to failure of the life side of the heart.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Brief a case Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Brief a case - Coursework Example The defendant had stipulated that if the component were brought by noon any day, it would be taken to the manufacturer the next day. So the Plaintiff’s clerk took it to the defendant the next day before noon and paid 2 pounds for the services. However, because of the defendant’s negligence, the component delayed before delivery to the manufacturer and the plaintiff received it after several days (Crompton 1). The issue was entitlement of damages to the plaintiff due to loss of profits and what amount of damages he or she would get. The court determined that the plaintiff was eligible for damages for the amount he would have received if the breaching party had performed (Crompton 1). This implies that the plaintiff would only be put back to the position he would have been if the contract was not breached. However, the court held that the defendant would not have known that the delay would cause a long closure of the mill and the loss of profits because there were no special circumstances underpinned on the contract (Crompton

Plastic Innovations Case Material Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Plastic Innovations Case Material - Essay Example A stable attention to new strategy and a very professional innovative staff allow strategy to reach a great qualitative point and to obtain great paybacks in the sector. The operations have supported the innovation strategy enormously by inventions of new technologies and machines. The strategy has changed from production of consumer durable items, toys and component of automotive used in industries to spatulas, pasta strainers, hand whisks and others. This has been enhanced due to change in machines from small plastic moulding machines to 24 large injection-moulding machines. Early 1980s small moulding machines were used for toys and automotive components. This later expanded to enhance production of household items. The market change in 2002 from industrial commodities to household; facilitated strategy enhancement to a greater height. This later facilitated change in expertize as seen in 2006 when a new marketing manager was hired. The Focus and Concept brands were initiated due t o the change in management of marketing director. It also changed the market targets and enhanced profit margin. The market is competitive and thus requires new innovations and ideas to keep up with stiff competition. Similarly, operation to keep up with demands and quality must keep on changing its requirements. Markets do change as consumers frequently change their aspects of environment. Likewise, operational requirements must change to meet or challenge environment change. As markets demands get sophisticated so do operational requirements do. Markets and operations requirements differ in the sense that larger markets mean more and more profit but operational costs go higher as markets expanded. Operation requires experts to implement the desired result or objections of company. Similarly, markets require qualified team to achieve desired results. The demand for idea or concept choice is less predictable that leads to unpredictable changes in schedules and large distraction in the production plan. Frequently longer operation times due to non-optimal changes require a respond to unexpected d emand or an impromptu promotion. Markets requirements in directly affect the operations within the firm. Markets range compels operation team to consistently produce quality products. The planning of the project team is affected by the operations requirements and markets target. The difference from the two must be closely monitored in order for a company to achieve the goals. Operations requirement is monitored by the management to check cost incurred, however markets is a sales team work to ensure the gap is ridged significantly. These disparities also give a planning team hectic time in convincing involved parties. Markets requirement requires aesthetics value added to goods or commodities to increase sale. However; operation does not consider the aesthetics in production only the quality of the work and costs. Competition in a market is a key value for every business, the Focus and concept idea was bore in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nietzxche, Friedrich. On the use and abuse of History for Life Essay

Nietzxche, Friedrich. On the use and abuse of History for Life - Essay Example He was the vizier of the fourth dynasty during the reign of pharaoh Sneferu. Therefore, the writings are assumed to have been written between 2613-2589 B.C. The ancient writers did not specifically put the date of writing of the teachings but they gave the period and the king who reigned at that time. This information is used to determine age and time of the writing. The writing is categorized as wise sayings because they were written to guide the Pharaoh’s children on how they were to live and rule. According to the Egyptians, the writings are teachings which guide them in their daily ventures. The writing of these teachings took place in the Pharaoh’s palace, where their children were being taught. 2. †¦of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. The title in which the above quote falls is creation, though others may group it as commandment. It can be argued to be creation sin ce it comes after Man and Woman have been created. On the other hand, it is said to be a commandment since it is an instruction to the created being on what they should and should not do. The commandment has more weight since it has punishment onto it that if they do not follow they will surely die. It was later found out that disregard of the instruction led to punishment and expulsion out of the garden. Thus, the quote is a command given to Adam and Eve by God in the Garden of Eden after they were created. The quote is found in the Bible, the book of Genesis chapter 2 versus seventeen. The writings were written years later by Moses despite the occurrence of the event in 4004 B.C when creation is believed to have taken place. Moses wrote the book of Genesis and grouped it with four others, naming it the book of Torah. The quote offers teaching to the believers on obedience and signifies the belief in one God to give them orders. The quote is religious due to its nature of involving beings and Supernatural forces. Moses wrote the book while in the desert with the Israelites as they were moving from Egypt into the Promised Land. 3. God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. The quote above is extracted from creation. It justifies the existence of man as not from the natural causes but thoughtfully designed into existence by a Supernatural being. The book was written by Moses while in the desert with his fellow Israelites after running from Egypt, where they had served as slaves. The quote was used by Moses to remind the Israelites that they were created. It is extracted from the books of Moses known as the Torah, specifically the book of Genesis. The Quote was Jewish and is also used in the Christian context among those who believe in creation. The quote was said in the Garden of Eden, where the Bible states to have been the place where God began the creation. The event, therefore, occurred in 4004 B.C , the period in which it is believed the creation took place. It is found in the Bible, from the book of Genesis chapter one versus twenty seven (Genesis 1:27). The quote explains the work carried out in the sixth day of creation to crown the work that took a week; work that made the whole world. It denotes end of the creation act which was creating man. It denoted the end of the creation. The quote is categorized as religious, appreciating the existence of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hager Shipley in The Stone Angel Essay Example for Free

Hager Shipley in The Stone Angel Essay In Margaret Laurences novel, The Stone Angel, Hagar Shipley is the main character. Born the daughter of Jason Currie, she is one who possesses incredible depth in character. Mingling past and present, we observe the very qualities, which sustained her and deprived her of joy such as her lack of emotional expression. As well, inheriting her fathers harsh qualities, she exhibited pride that detested weakness in any form. Despite of her negative attributes she also displayed a positive mannerism through courage. Thus, Hagar is a cold, but strong willed woman. Such qualities give us a portrait of a remarkable character. Hagars most noticeable characteristic was her lack of feeling and emotion. Indeed there where many situations where she could not physically express what she felt in her heart. She did not cry at the death of her son John. That night she was transformed to stone and never wept at all (Laurence 243). During Marvins childhood, she would impatiently dismiss him due to his slowness of speech. Once when an ecstatic Marvin told Hagar that he finished his chores, Hagar bluntly sends him away saying, I can see youve finished. Ive got eyes. Get along now  ¼ (Laurence 112). Even as a child she was lacked emotion when she could not provide comfort to her dying brother, Daniel. Daniel needed the comfort of his mother, but for Hagar, to play at being her it was beyond me (Laurence 25). Indeed, Hagars deficiency in feeling or expressing emotion was a visible characteristic throughout the novel. As a result of her upbringing, Hagar possesses pride that despises weakness in any form. As a young girl she displayed this trait when her dad slapped her hand, I wouldnt let him see me cry, I was so enraged (Laurence 9). As previously mentioned before, Hagar could not portray her mother to comfort her dying brother. She characterized her mother as the woman Dan was said to resemble so much and from whom hed inherited a frailty I could not help but detest (Laurence 25). When Hagar brought upon the subject of marriage with Bram Shipley to her father he made it clear that theres not a decent girl in this town would wed without her familys consent (Laurence 49). Hagar rebelliously responded, It will be done by me (Laurence 49) and eventually marries Bram. Thus, throughout the novel, Hagars attribute of scornful pride is evidently exhibited. In contrast to her negative character, Hagar exhibits a great deal of courage. Following Hagars marriage to Bram, she immediately faced the reality of the life. The next day Hagar cleaned the house inside out. I had never scrubbed a floor in my life, but I worked that day as though Id been driven by a whip (Laurence 52). Hagar also had the courage to leave Bram for the sake of her childrens future. Physically, Hagar did not lack courage. At the age of 90, Hagar was able to painfully endure her journey to Shadow Point. Thus, her courageous character classifies her as a strong willed woman. Theres no question that Hagar, young or old, is a cold yet courageous woman. She was deficient in physically expressing her feelings and emotions. She also possessed an unbending pride, which despised weakness in any form. However, despite of her negative attributes she still exhibits a positive aspect through her courage. Hagars character has such immense depth. She may not be perfect; nevertheless she is unique. Important Note: If youd like to save a copy of the paper on your computer, you can COPY and PASTE it into your word processor. Please, follow these steps to do that in Windows: 1. Select the text of the paper with the mouse and press Ctrl+C. 2. Open your word processor and press Ctrl+V. Companys Liability (the Web Site) is produced by the Company. The contents of this Web Site, such as text, graphics, images, audio, video and all other material (Material), are protected by copyright under both United States and foreign laws. The Company makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the Material or about the results to be obtained from using the Material. You expressly agree that any use of the Material is entirely at your own risk. Most of the Material on the Web Site is provided and maintained by third parties. This third party  Material may not be screened by the Company prior to its inclusion on the Web Site. You expressly agree that the Company is not liable or responsible for any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of other subscribers or third parties. The Materials are provided on an as-is basis without warranty express or implied. The Company and its suppliers and affiliates disclaim all warranties, including the warranty of non-infringement of proprietary or third party rights, and the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. The Company and its suppliers make no warranties as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the material, services, text, graphics and links. For a complete statement of the Terms of Service, please see our website. By obtaining these materials you agree to abide by the terms herein, by our Terms of Service as posted on the website and any and all alterations, revisions and amendments thereto.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mercury Contaminated Fish

Mercury Contaminated Fish Summary: This is a 7 page paper on, Effects of Mercury Contaminated Fish on Consumers Health. The paper further summarizes how mercury contaminated fishs effects on consumers health, and results of this contamination due to consumption. Running Head: EFFECTS OF MERCURY CONTAMINATED FISH ON CONSUMERS HEALTH Effects of Mercury Contaminated Fish on Consumers Health Effects of Mercury Contaminated Fish on Consumers Health Mercury is found naturally in environment and exists in different forms. These forms can be divided into three categories, metallic mercury, organic mercury and in-organic mercury. Metallic mercury is a shiny silver white metal and is liquid at room temperature; it is the pure form of mercury. The organic form of mercury known as Methyl mercury (MeHg) found in fish and caused neurological problems in children bare in the womb and females. Burning of coal in power plants containing mercury is the major source of environmental pollution. The only assessment of health risk from mercury is for neurodevelopment effects. The National Research Council (NRC) estimated that â€Å"60,000 newborns annually might be at risk for adverse neurodevelopment effects form in uterus exposure to methyl mercury†. Fish is afar evaluate as a source of many nutrients very important to the developing newborn, some of which may in fact increase growth of the nervous system in newborn and young children. Prevalent infectivity of fish with toxic mercury, though, has cast a shadow over the nutritional benefits of fish. (Cook) Exposure in uterus can cause many problems such as, delay in mental development of child, lower memory and neurological problems. A contaminated fish which is consumed by a pregnant woman can seriously damages the brain of her baby. As a National Academy of Sciences panel definitively warned last year, some children exposed in uterus by their mothers fish consumption are at risk of falling in the group of children who have to struggle to keep up in school and who might require remedial classes of special education. (Cook) In past years, many companies have used mercury to manufacture a wide variety of consumer products including thermometers, thermostats and automotive light switches. While the metallic mercury in these products hardly ever poses a direct health risk, industrial mercury contamination becomes a serious threat when it is released into the air by power plants, certain chemical manufacturers and other industrial facilities, and then settles into oceans and rivers, where it builds up in fish that we eat. Children and pregnant women are most at risk. (Learn About Mercury and Its Effects) Formerly mercury enters into oceans and rivers; naturally stirring bacteria take in it and convert it in to a type called methyl mercury. This transition is particularly important for humans, who absorb methyl mercury easily and are especially defenseless to its effects. (Learn About Mercury and Its Effects) Mercury then works its way up the food chain as large fish consume contaminated smaller fish. Instead of dissolving or breaking down, mercury accumulates at ever-increasing levels. Predatory fish such as large tuna, swordfish, shark and mackerel can have mercury concentrations in their bodies that are 10,000 times higher than those of their nearby habitats. (Learn About Mercury and Its Effects) Humans risk ingesting hazardous levels of mercury when they eat polluted fish. Since the toxic is unscented, unseen and accumulates in the meat of the fish, it is not easy to spot and cant be avoided by trimming off the skin or other parts. Once in the human body, mercury acts as a neurotoxin, snooping with the brain and nervous system. Exposure to mercury can be particularly harmful for pregnant women and small children. During the first several years of life, a childs brain is still budding and quickly absorbing nutrients. Prenatal and infant mercury exposure can cause mental retardation, cerebral palsy, deafness and blindness. Even in low doses, mercury may have an effect on a childs development, delaying walking and talking, restriction attention span and causing learning disabilities. (Learn About Mercury and Its Effects) In adults, mercury poisoning can harmfully affect fertility and blood pressure regulation and may cause of memory loss, tremors, vision loss and lack of sensation of the fingers and toes. A growing body of facts suggests that contact to mercury may also lead to heart disease. (Learn About Mercury and Its Effects) A July 2005 report from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concluded that one in 17 women of childbearing age have mercury in their blood above 5.8 micrograms per liter of blood a level that could pose a risk to a developing fetus. This is an improvement from the prior report in 2003 which showed that one out of 12 women had mercury in their blood at this level. Newer science indicates, however, that mercury actually concentrates in the umbilical cord blood that goes to the fetus, so mercury levels as low as 3.4 micrograms per liter of a mothers blood are now a concern. Nearly one in 10 women of reproductive age in the United States has mercury in her blood at or above this level, according to the new CDC study. (Learn About Mercury and Its Effects) Dr. Jane Hightower, a doctor of internal medicine at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco also linked fish consumption to high mercury levels when she tested her own patients. Her 2003 study found that 89 percent of the participating patients chosen because of their fish-heavy diets had high mercury levels. Many had levels as much as four times that which the Environmental Protection Agency considers safe. (Learn About Mercury and Its Effects) An international group of scientists issued a world wide warning about the risks to health for the consumers who are using mercury contaminated fish frequently. However, British scientists argue against it, last month they found pregnant women who ate the most fish had children who were more advanced, with higher IQs and better physical abilities. (Laurence, 2007) They said that while mercury is known as it preventing the brain of infants to be developed, fish also contain omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients which are necessary for brain development. They studied 9,000 families taking part in the Children of the 90s project at the University of Bristol and concluded, in The Lancet, that the risks of eating fish were outweighed by the benefits. (Fish contaminated with mercury pose worldwide threat to health By Jeremy Laurence, Health Editor, Thursday, 8 March 2007) The US scientists paying attention on the risks of mercury which they say now represent a public health problem in most regions of the world. In addition to its toxic effects on the human fetus, new verification shoes that it may increase the risk of heart disease, particularly in adult men. (Laurence, 2007) The nervous system is highly attractive to mercury contamination. In this type of poisonous incidents that occurred in other countries, some people who consumed fish contaminated with large amounts of methyl mercury or seed grains that are affected with methyl mercury or other organic mercury compounds developed severe damage to the brain and kidneys. Permanent damage to the brain has also been shown to occur from exposure to adequately high levels of metallic mercury. Whether exposure to inorganic mercury results in brain or nerve damage is not as certain, since it does not easily pass from the blood into the brain. (Public Health Statement for Mercury, 1999) Mercury is also severely affect to the kidneys of consumers of mercury contaminated fish, because it accumulates in the kidneys and causes higher exposures to these tissues, and thus more damage. All types of mercury, whether they are organic or in-organic can cause kidney damage if sufficient amounts enter the body. If the harm caused by the mercury is not too great, the kidneys are likely to recover once the body clears itself of the contamination. In addition to effects on the kidneys, inorganic mercury can damage the stomach and intestines, producing symptoms of nausea, diarrhea, or rigorous ulcers if swallowed in large amounts. Effects on the heart have also been observed in children after they accidentally swallowed mercury. Symptoms included rapid heart rate and increased blood pressure. There is little information on the effects in humans from long-term, low-level exposure to mercury. (Public Health Statement for Mercury, 1999) Mercury contaminated fish are not just dangerous for children and pregnant women but it is also dangerous for adults. The toxic destroys the nerve tissues and affects the visual cortex and the cerebellum, a brain part that manages complex movements and balances. It also effect attention and language deficits, seriously disturb the memory of consumer and he or she is unable to quickly call memory, and impaired visual and motor function. Adults who frequently use mercury contaminated fish may have decrease concentration, deftness and verbal memory. Women who eat severely contaminated fish may give birth to children with birth defects including cerebral palsy and mental retardation. (Mercury-Contaminated Fish Poses Health Risks to Adults, 2003) Researches shows that fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, that helps reducing the risk of heart diseases, though a new study questioned that consuming fish contaminated with mercury may increase the risk of heart diseases in addition to reduce other healthy benefits. It is found that men who had heart attack had 15 percent higher mercury levels that men who dont yet experienced heart diseases. A research shows that men with higher level were more than twice as likely to have had a heart attack as compared with men with the lower mercury levels. Children might be at risk due to consumption of mercury contaminated fish, consumption of mercury contaminated fish is that enters into pregnant women can also pass into the developing child. Mercury can also pass from mothers body into breast milk and into a nursing infant. The amount of mercury in the milk varies, depending on the exposure level of and the amount of mercury that enters into pregnant women body. Mercury can also gather in an unborn babys blood to a concentration higher than the concentration in the mother. The harmful health affects seen in children are similar to the affects seen in adults. High exposure to mercury causes lung, stomach and intestinal damage due to respiratory failure in severe cases. Mercury problems are very serious, but the solutions are fairy simple one have to watch his consumption of mercury contaminated fish, and also help force power companies and other big users of mercury to find substitute of mercury to help prevent environment from pollution. Children and women who are pregnant and are likely to get pregnant in future are the most in danger to mercurys harmful affects. They should avoid using certain fish from their diets, including mahi or big eye tuna, tilefish, swordfish, shark, king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy and fish caught in water that are polluted by mercury. The above discussion shows that consumption of mercury contaminated fish is very dangerous for consumers health. It is the source of different diseases especially in children and pregnant women. Mercury is not just dangerous for children and pregnant women it also dangerous for adults. Consumers have to control their fish diets. It is recommended that they regularly check their mercury levels and if they found their mercury levels higher they have to consult with their doctor immediately. Exposure with mercury cause disease like, destruction of nerve tissues, it also affects the visual cortex and the cerebellum. It also effect attention and language deficits, seriously disturb the memory of consumer. Adults who frequently use mercury contaminated fish may have decrease concentration, deftness and verbal memory. It also affects the blood pressure and fertility in adults. Women who eat severely contaminated fish may give birth to children with birth defects including cerebral palsy and mental retardation. It cause delay in mental development of child, memory problem and neurological problems. Fish provide important health benefits to the developing fetus, and pregnant women should be encouraged to eat fish with consistently low methyl mercury levels. Authorities need to take much stronger steps to protect a far greater portion of the population. They must move beyond their antiquated safeguards designed to protect an average woman from an average amount of methyl mercury in fish and take a realistic and protective stance against dietary exposure to methyl mercury. References Jeremy Laurence, (8 March, 2007) Fish Contaminated With Mercury Pose Worldwide Threat to Health, The Independent Retrieved on 24th March, 2008. mercury-pose-worldwide-threat-to-health-439267.html Ken Cook, (2001) Retrieved on 23rd March, 2008 one.aspx Learn About Mercury and Its Effects, (2006) Natural Resource Defense Council, Retrieved on 23rd March, 2008. Mercury-Contaminated Fish Poses Health Risks to Adults, (2003) Retrieved on 25th March, 2008. /archive/2003/06/21/mercury-fish-part-six.aspx Public Health Statement for Mercury (March,1999) The Encyclopedia of Earth, Retrieved on 24th March, 2008. Health_Statement_for_Mercury

Classical School and Positive Criminology | Essay

Classical School and Positive Criminology | Essay Around the mid-eighteenth century, philosophers began arguing for a more rational, humanistic approach to criminal punishment. They sought to eliminate the cruel, public executions which were designed to deter crime or scare people into submission. In doing so the Classical and Positive Schools, as they pertain to criminal behavior, began to take shape. The field of criminology basically began with the establishment of the Classical School. According to this school human behavior is rational, meaning individuals have the ability to choose right from wrong and therefore they rationally choose to commit crime. The Classical School was developed by Cesare Beccaria, an Italian philosopher and Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher, in response to the cruel European justice system that existed prior to 1789. Eighteenth century Europeans utilized capital punishment as a consequence of crime and deviant behavior. On the other hand, the Positive School, developed by Cesare Lombroso, an Italian surgeon, and two of his students, Enrico Ferri and Raffaele Garofalo, is the study of criminal behavior based upon external factors. According to Franklin P. Williams in Criminological Theory (2014), He reported that criminals manifest traits of sensory impairment; a lack of moral sense, particularly the absence of remorse; and the use of slang and ta ttoos (page 30). Lombroso believes a person is predisposed to a criminal lifestyle because he is born a criminal and not made into one. Each school of thought, Classical and Positive, has impacted the criminal justice system today. Both schools are in force, and both are instrumental in the ending of cruel, inhumane treatment of criminals and to the reformation of the death penalty. The Classical School views human behavior as rational in nature; believes that people have the ability to choose right from wrong; and believes that the major factor governing a persons choice is the desire to obtain pleasure and avoid pain. Punishment for crimes should be swift and certain, and must be public, prompt and necessary. It has to be proportionate to the crime and dictated by law. The primary idea behind the Positive School is that criminals are born as criminals, not made into criminals. It is the nature of the person, not how one is raised, that results in criminal tendencies. The positivist rejects the ideas that humans have a free will, that each individual makes a conscious, rational choice to commit a crime. They believe that an individuals behavior is determined by various biological (atavism), psychological (faulty personality development) and sociological (social structure) factors. Basically, due to these factors, responsibility for an offenders actions is reduced. Also, the punishment for crime must fit the offender rather than the crime. Rehabilitation, instead of punishment, is a major part of the treatment plan under this school of thought. Classical and Positive Schools both share the same idea that criminal behavior can be controlled and is a consequence of human nature. The two schools believe the most serious crimes are committed by people who are atavists or who fail to change into a civilized human state. The Positive School is concerned with reforming the offender by isolating the causes of the offenders criminal behavior, while the Classical School focuses on retribution by creating an environment where crime is based on a persons free will. The Positive School studies the natural origin of crime and focuses on what factors induce offenders to commit crimes. In contrast, the Classical School believes the offender commits a crime of his own free will knowing a form of punishment will follow. The Classical School emphasizes that people make a rational decision to commit a crime. This means that the offender will think the crime through considering the positive and negative consequences of the crime. So, if the immediate gain of the crime exceeds to consequences of punishment, the offender will choose to commit the crime and suffer the consequences later. Individuals who believe in this theory, believe the logical way to reduce crime is to give criminals harsher punishments. An example of harsher punishments is the mandatory minimum sentencing laws requiring set prison terms for certain crimes. However, the one-size-fits-all concept may seem like a quick fix, but they undermine justice by precluding judges from fitting the punishment to the individual and the circumstances of the offense as theorized by the Positive School. Also, the tough on crime mentality, through mandatory sentencing laws, adds to the billions of dollars spent to incarcerate offenders who may fair bett er under community supervision programs, such as probation. Mandatory minimums also lead to prison overcrowding, excessive costs to taxpayers and a diversion of dollars for law enforcement. Each school of thought, both the Classical and Positive, impacts the criminal justice system today. They are both in force and contribute to the ending of cruel and inhumane treatment of criminals. The United States Constitution is based on these two schools. The classical school concepts of letting the punishment fit the crime is the basis for the sentencing guidelines of the justice system and the positive school concepts make it possible for criminals to acquire the rehabilitative services they need in order to become functioning members of society. References Williams, III, Franklin P., and Marilyn D. McShane. (2014). Criminological Theory, 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Bus :: essays research papers

The Bus I have this friend named Ted. Ted has an old school bus all spray-painted and beat up looking. This in and of itself is not that big a matter. What makes this bus different is he attached the top half of a Volkswagon van on top of the bus. This bus has been around for around fifteen years or so and has looked about the same if not worse the whole time. See, Ted used to live in this bus. It's a project he has been working on for some time now. Numerous people have asked him why he won't get rid of the ugly thing. His parents don't ask him to, they tell him to get rid of it. I have wondered myself why he has a bus such as he does and why he bothers putting so much money into it. I do notice a slight difference in Ted's eyes when he is working on it though, so there must be something about it worth saving. Ted Jensen was born December 29, 1969 right here in Vancouver, Washington at the old Memorial Hospital (now a clinic I have been told.) His parents are still alive and kicking along with his brother and sister. I met Ted as my neighbor when I first moved to my current home. He has a strong sense of what’s right and fair, as I feel I do. This must be the biggest reason why I like Ted. That and he would not intentionally hurt anybody without them deserving it completely. He may be a little headstrong at times, but he is very easy going most of the time. If I ever need anything, and I do mean anything, Ted is the guy I go to. If he does not already have it, or have access to the item or information I want, he can usually tell me who does. The year is 1986 and the location is a Grateful Dead concert. As Ted was enjoying the festivities of such a concert he came across a vehicle that pulled him to examine it closer. It was an old school bus that had been rebuilt and remodeled into a motor home of sorts. Ted knew then that he had to have one and proceeded to investigate his options. As luck would have it one of his friends needed some cash flow for a lawyer and had a 1976 school bus for sale to get it.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jeremy Bentham : Father of Utilitarianism Essays -- Ethics Morals Phi

Assess the merits of Utilitarianism (24 Marks) Utilitarianism is a theory aimed at defining one simple basis that can be applied when making any ethical decision. It is based on a human’s natural instinct to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Jeremy Bentham is widely regarded as the father of utilitarianism. He was born in 1748 into a family of lawyers and was himself, training to join the profession. During this process however, he became disillusioned by the state British law was in and set out to reform the system into a perfect one based on the ‘Greatest Happiness Principle,’ ‘the idea that pleasurable consequences are what qualify an action as being morally good’. Bentham observed that we are all governed by pain and pleasure; we all naturally aim to seek pleasure and avoid pain. He then decided that the best moral principle for governing our lives is one which uses this, the ‘Greatest Happiness Principle.’ This is that the amount of overall happiness or unhappiness that is caused by an action should determine whether an action is right or wrong. He stated, ‘the greatest happiness of all those whose interest is in question is the right and proper, and only right and proper end of human action’ Here Bentham is saying that the principle is the only valid of deciding and justifying our actions, that the principle should be applied regardless of any others, as it is the only true and reliable way of defining whether an action is right or wrong. An advantage of utilitarianism is that it can be applied to any situation. Unlike many moral approaches you are not restricted by rules such as ‘it is always wrong to lie,’ or ‘killing is never right.’ This allows the philosopher to consider any dilemma or problem in it’s own specific context. For example applying Kantian ethics, abortion or euthanasia would have to be defined as wrong, however a utilitarian has the scope to make there own decision considering a range of factors and situations. Bentham realised that because this theory is based on the outcome of our actions it may be difficult to assess fairly which action will produce the most happiness. He therefore developed the ‘hedonistic calculus’, a form of calculating the happiness resulting from an act by assessing 7 different factors of the pleasure produced such as intensity and duration. In doing this Bentham was attempting to create some sort of ... ...ilitarianism, like any other ‘list of rules’ approach to morality can be wrong in certain situations and encourages people to blindly follow rules. Utilitarianism is a reality, not just a theory like many other philosophies; it is practiced every day, for instance the vote system. This ongoing practice of utilitarianism in society has show that it is flawed. Just because the masses vote for something, doesn’t make it right. The masses can be fooled, as in Nazi Germany for example, thousands of people were behind Hitler even though his actions were undeniably evil. Utilitarianism is a logical system, but it requires some sort of basic, firm rules to prevent such gross injustices, violations of human rights, and just obviously wrong thing ever being allowed. This could be the ‘harm principle’ which Mill devised. ‘Acts of whatever kind, which, without justifiable cause, do harm to others, may be, and in the more important cases absolutely require to be, controlled by the unfavorable sentiments, and, when needful, by the active interference of mankind. The liberty of the individual must be thus far limited; he must not make himself a nuisance to other people.’

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dealing with a Disability in the Hospitality Industry

Dealing with Disability This report concentrates on the effects of dealing with a disability in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. There are many ways how disabled people can be affected in this area such as discrimination in employment, discrimination in being the customer, false advertisement and lack of support and facilities in the business. Whether it’s a mental disability such as dyslexic or a physical disability such as partially-sighted it can have an effect on both.For many in the tourism and hospitality world disabled people means wheelchair users, it's worth pointing out that the Disability Rights Commission estimates that wheelchair users represent less than five per cent of disabled people (about 450,000). The industry should also be aware that disability includes facial disfigurement, those who have allergies and the estimated one in seven people who have a mental health problem each year. Statics show: Current estimates suggest that there are over nine millio n disabled people in the UK, some 15% of the population or to more than the combined populations of Scotland and Wales. Associated essay: Relationship Between Tourism and HospitalityThis figure includes 6. 5 million people of working age who have a current long-term disability or health problem, 8. 7 million people who are deaf or hard of hearing, an estimated 1. 8 million blind or partially-sighted people, 18,000 people who are regular Braille users and 400,000 people who have a learning disability. In one sense, the tourism and hospitality sectors are already catering for customers with a wide variety of disabilities but they often do this unwittingly, given the fact that many disabilities are not immediately obvious.There are many famous people that suffer with some sort of disability such as Ludwig Van Beethoven that suffers from deafness. Beethoven is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in history. Christy Brown an Irish Author, Painter and Poet is another famous disabled person. He was disabled by cerebral palsy and was incapable for years of deliberate movement or speech. Many disa bled people don’t have as much confidence as a non-disabled people and this is where they forget about famous people who made it very far in life.Many disabled people find it hard to find the right accommodation to suit their needs and find an accommodation with the right facilities for them. Many examples of the right facilities could include wheelchair ramps, wheelchair accessibility in the hotels public area (e. g. swimming pool and dining area), verbal announcements on the elevator, Handrails in bathrooms and width of doors etc. Some businesses in the hospitality industry that are lacking in this lose guests/customers without even noticing.False advertisement is also used here for example when hotels state that they have disabled or limited mobility facilities in brochures and online but they actually don’t have these facilities in the hotel. ‘DisabledGo’ is an award-winning disability organisation that provides online access guides. Its website is des igned to help disabled people find what they are looking for e. g. hotels, restaurants, cinemas, tourist attractions and many more. Sites like these can be a great help. Bibliography: http://listverse. com/2010/01/18/top-10-extraordinary-people-with-disabilities/ http://www. disabledgo. com/

Compare and contrast 2 treatments of crime. (TEP’s and AMP’s Token economy program and anger management program. Essay

minimal thrift programmes are a form of conduct modification based on the principles of operant conditioning. They are utilise in prisons to go on the reduction of anti-social behavior and criminal behavior they involve awarding points to offenders if a desire demeanor is performed. The minimals may hence be exchanged for various rewards. The aim is for the desire behaviour to be repeated. As a discussion it involves setting go forth a ply of desirable behaviours and reinforcing the offender whenever the behaviour is displayed.This behaviour would focus upon non-aggressive, these behaviours are pass judgment that the behaviour pull up s adjudges become erudite and automatic. Positive reinforces come in the practice of imagesa secondary reinforcing stimulus, which jakes be exchanged for ancient reinforcement. Negative reinforcement comes with the threat of removal of tokens and pris adeptrs change their behaviour to avoid this consequence. A token miserline ss system uses operant conditioning to bit by bit changing behaviour through primary and secondary renforcements. Anger divvy upment is some early(a) treatment aimed to prevent law-breaking. It is used in prisons, and participants may participate voluntarily or as part of their sentence.This is used localise triggers which may cause there belligerence. By preventing aggression, the likelihood of crimes being connected is reduced. The treatment unremarkably takes place in sort settings and occurs ab extinct twice a week. A trained person runs the group. They are usually asked what factors make them feel angry and then trigger aggression. Once this trigger has been identified, strategies shadower be taught which to condole and reduce the crossness they experiences.An enkindle oversight programme will be based around 3 key stages cognitive preparation (analysing prehistoric aggression and disc all overing patterns, and the offender also looks at the consequences of agg ression), skills acquisition (where they are taught techniques that help them to manage their response to triggers in a much productive way.) and application practice (the offender to test their skills in a range of situations).Token economy becomes because the behaviour of the offender is being constantly monitored and record in order to award the tokens, and then becomes habit. However it is limited to institutions like a prison for this token economy to work because they will not stop such awards in the veridical world only if it is the plan that over receivable to what is presentationn by operant conditioning these desiredbehaviours may/ washbasin become a habit and thence behaviour is repeated. Anger management can also pack a alike problem, it may be easier to find out your offense and adhere the program while in the group but in the real world it may be harder to follow or perform the behaviours that are learnt from the program. sluice though this may happen for kindle management there is still very unassailable, the offenders take part voluntarily. This increases the programmes usefulness, as offenders who take part voluntarily are usually more committed to the programmes success. This is in wrinkle to other treatments, such as token economy, which are often enforced over an entire prison system heart that it may not be prospering in all cases.But not all wrath management is unpaid worker some people rent to take part as part of their sentence. This provides an posterior motive and although the offender may surface to see made progress, this could be simulated and the issue of anger is not in reality being addressed (demand characteristics). This means that anger management like token economy may not be effective for everyone.Another problem you may sire in anger management is by doing the track they may be singled out (especially in prisons) and by singling out prisoners to show they are doing this program may cause pris oners not to take it seriously or may not consider fetching it voluntary, or may take it for other motives e.g. some times taking the course can help your bid to get erlyer or longer parole periods. Token economy on the other elapse dose not single out specific prisoners as all prisoners have to take part in the programme, no single prisoner can have an ulterior motive for participating.However anger management is supported by Ireland (2000). They compared 50 young offenders on an anger management programme with 37 on the wait list for anger management. Before and by and by treatment scores were taken on level of aggression shown (as reported by prison officers and by the prisoners themselves through self-report). 92% of the treatment group showed some escape from in aggression with 48% demonstrate major decreases. 8% showed deterioration.This evidence shows strong support of anger management programmes as a way to control aggression in prison. Hobbs and Holt (1976) measured t he effect of token economy on a standard of young delinquents across 3 institutions(with one other institution being used as a comparisoncontrol group). Tokens were awarded to those in the data-based groups whenever target behaviour was displayed. These were swapped for primary reinforces. at that place was a significant (28%) increase in the target behaviours in the experimental groups compared to the controls. This shows that the token economy was an effective and cost effective (less than $8 per month per boy) way to control the behaviour of criminals whilst in prison. By comparability the results it would seem that anger management may be more effective as a way to treat crime but the numbers of people who participated was uttermost less so Hobbs and Holt may have less success rate due to the larger groups meaning that the result may be more valid due to it being easer to apply to the prison population.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Planet of Slums Essay

As the sprawling sky rocketed buildings, and agitate industries began to show the dreams of unlimited potentials, our eyes ar to date to catch nasty travails of the urban life in all its vicissitude. 2005 was a witness to the ever increase in creation in cities- expecting to reach 10 billion mark in 2050, just now bulk of them confined in the beas characterized by crumbling houses, dirty water, unhygienic environment, and very nominal sources and nothing in the name of loving services, and ever increasing unemployment rate.These are pass areas of the urban cities where maximum of mi fall ins from villages and small towns remember their place. Planet of Slums by Mike Davis is an geographic expedition of these dark corners of the well-nigh virtual(prenominal)ized urban cities and, in addition reflects his deep commitment for raising our sentience to landed estate of wards the real causes behind the unprecedented gain of these slum areas. He polld the dogged view of this worldwide phenomenon all over the by half-century and what this billion strong slum universe had in store for political hereafter.From as far as places analogous brazil nut to New Guinea, and from Senegal to Pakistan, unpolished phratry are leaving their traditional occupation and arrive in the slums of the urban cites for impertinently result and income opportunities in late occupational arenas. In countries the like Africa and Latin America, wad flocked to cities to lead from either the war or deficit or got attracted by the income emersion in factories producing clothes like t-shirts, sneakers, and toothbrushes never perceive of before.Though the jolt of migration process is being felt since the first industrial revolution, soon enough the conditions and the environment they vex been staying in genuinely reflect their shattered dreams. They dream of get rich and what they are gaining in cities like Manchester, Chicago, capital of Japan and Mumbai are their immortal lives in dirty towns and squatter camps.Guldins upshot study of Southern chinaware exposes the point that it is not only the cities which are being developed however it is as well as the vice versa, Villagers become more(prenominal) like market and xiang towns, and county towns and small cities become more like large cities. (Davis 2006 9) Many countries are also witness to the bubbling urban c premise lives reaching at the doorstep of the rural folks in their own villages or towns.It has quite happened in Malaysia where journalist SeaBrook highlighted the percentage of several fishermen, Engulfed by urbanization without migrating, their lives overturned, equable while remaining on the manage where they were born. (Davis 2006 9) The lives of fishermen had all been uprooted by the new waves of urbanization, which sign on off their homes from sea due to new highway, polluted their fishing ponds due to urban waste, and deforested the neighboring hillsides to construct apartment blocks.Johannesburg is whiz of the many cities, which is a witness to the putrefaction of soil owing to continuous exalt mining. More than half of the non-white population is hold out at informal settlements in areas where on that point is abundant of toxic waste and inveterate ground. But the most classic case recorded by Davis is Mumbai in India, where the slew earning higher level of income own 90 per cent of land whereas measly people are overcrowded.CBC News pressman drafted a picture of the third largest city in the world after Tokyo and Mexico. Mumbai has 10 million people with majority of the population belonging to slum areas and the Dharavi at the vicinity of Mumbai is considered to be the largest slum in Asia. (Benoit 2006 Online) The lands where the slums are developed are the most valuable real e advance areas that all are illegal and either day government vehicles come in one part of the slum areas or to the next for the demolition and any clock time they are established again.Several times, tell apart had tried to enter into deal with mystic individuals for the redevelopment of the lands and for providing new houses for slum dwellers but this process has been unsuccessful. These slum dwellers are the headstone of the city Mumbai providing the mash for menial jobs like train operators, construction workers, factory workers etc. Davis said that, These polarized patterns of land use and population density recapitulate older logics of majestic controller and racial dominance. (Escobar 2007 27)Even though the economies of mega cities like Lagos, Kinshasa, and Dar Es Salaam cause been deteriorating or remaining stagnant still since last many years, these cities have been incessantly attracting new arrivals. Davis attempted to focus on the solid grounds behind the festering of slums that had been the matter of clientele for economists since many years. The debt crises of 1970s and 1980s, and the restructuri ng of the evolution economies in third world by planetary monetary Fund during 1980s have been the main culprits.During the mid seventies, initiation fix and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) began to grant loans to the growing nations on the conditions of structural qualifying policies. The term denotes the changes in the policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the human being coin bank for granting the new loans at lower rate of wager to the developing countries with certain conditions. The conditions are levied to turn back the proper use of the money lended and to snip fiscal imbalance of borrowing countries.The developing nations had to privatize their popular services division and infrastructure, devalue their currencies, initiate in the growth of crops for exports, and remove the subsidies and this had a direct impact on the local farmers and manufacturers who were forced to enter into competition with the First World factory farm and corporati ons. Davis evoked, Rapid urban growth in the context of structural adjustment, currency devaluation, and state retrenchment has been an inevitable recipe for the corporation production of slums (Davis 2006 17).The World Bank and IMF became a part of the capitalist system in the international scenario subsequently supported by Reagan, Thatcher, and Kohl (Davis 2006 153). According to Davis, Debt has been the forcing-house of an epochal transfer of function from Third World nations to the Bretton Woods institutions World Bank and IMF controlled by the US and other nubble capitalist countries The World Banks professional supply are the postmodern equivalent of a colonial civil service (Davis 2006 153-4).The global forces with their weapons of the deregulation and mechanization of agriculture, and promotion of the desegregation of smallholdings into large ones created the surplus of rural labour forcing them to make the urban slums their final destination, as the job market in the cities became on the verge of extinction. In Davis own words, Over-urbanization is impelled by the reproduction of poverty, not by the supply of jobs. This is one of the unexpected tracks shovel in which a neo-liberal world order is shunting the future (Davis 2006 16).It is not only rural folks but also import switch industries, public sectors, and middle classes felt an impact. (Davis 2006 16) Millions of city-dwellers were forthwith pushed into poverty due to Neo-liberalism. But along with this, the same policies that had shattered the small public sector enterprises gave boost to the private enterprises, importers, multitude personnel and many leading players dictatorial political circles.Besides undertaking frugal consideration, Davis espouses upon the various social, religious, ethnic and political causal agencys make their presence felt at the every corner of the dwelling of urban poor. For e. g. the subway movement of Islam at the Casablanca and Cairo, street gangs prevail the streets of Cape-town and San Salvador, the movement Pentecostalism at Kinshasa and Rio de Janeiro, and revolutionary movement at Caracas and La Paz became trademark of the new movement initiated by Ameri rear end regime as their war over terrorism.But this war was nothing but a setting of a coif of a long prolonged war between the American regime and the slum dwellers. Going with the UN-Habitat Report, Challenge of Slums, which went public in 2003, Davis emphasized the final aspect to the social unit holocaust that lay behind the growth of an ugly phase of the urbanization. He cited the call back of the State, as the main unfounded reason for the increase in poverty and unequalized division of income and wealth during 1980s and 1990s. Davis 2006 154) These state of affairs led to the development of the virtual democracy, whereby all the control of the macro-economic policies of Third World nations are controlled from Washington. (Davis 2006 154) Adding to the cau se also is the depravation among leaderships, institutional failures and structural adjustment programs that at last led to the transfer of wealth from poor to rich nations.Besides, haphazard way of the developing of roads and increasing traffic beckoned the environmentalists towards the huge amount of population and ever-growth of the rows of slums near the roadsides and railways tracks. initially Davis was going to give title of his book, The World Is a Ghetto, but the motive of the generator was to bring to the notice of the world the changes that had emerged in the global scenario though appearing to be on the development side yet it is a false notion as amidst the high rise buildings, industries, hotels and restaurants, zooming vehicles on the road, on that point are darker corners we often ignore.These slums are make up the problems of imperial order and social control that began to come to the notice of geopolitics. In a deep ironic note, Davis says if America aims to hi nt out the terrorists into the social and cultural periphery, it would be making the poor developing cities as permanent battlefields. Planet of Slums is an eye undoer for the world imperialistic orders to make them analyze the fact that no city can virtually grow on wealth alone.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Goa Tourism

Goa Tourism

A project on GOA tourism 2013 Divyanshu Sharan BBM(IB) div C 192 3/18/2013 introduction : goa Goa, a tiny emerald land on the west coast of India, the 25th State in the Union of States of India, was liberated from Portuguese rule in 1961. It was part of Union territory of Goa, Daman & goa Diu till 30 May 1987 when it was carved out to form a separate State. Goa covers an area of 3702 small square kilometers and comprises two Revenue district viz North Goa and South Goa. Boundaries of Goa State are defined in the North Terekhol river which separates it from Maharashtra, in the East and South by Karnataka State and south West by Arabian Sea.It is known for its nightlife and beach parties.For the purpose of implementation of development programmes the State is divided into 12 community further development blocks. As per 2001 census, the population of the State is 13,42,998. Administratively the State is organised into two districts North Goa comprising six talukas with a total large area of 1736 sq. kms.Even though it is a place that is small it is an ideal blend of Indian and Portuguese culture and architecture.

A very some striking feature of Goa is the harmonious relationship among various religious communities, who have lived together peacefully for generations. Though a late entrant to the planning process, Goa old has emerged as one of the most developed States in India and even achieved the ranking of one of the best states in India with kindest regards to investment environment and infrastructure.Goa is Indias smallest state by area and the fourth smallest by population. Located in West India in the region known as the Konkan, it is bounded by the state of Maharashtra to the north, and by Karnataka to the east and south, while the Arabian Sea forms its western coast.Goa is full of wildlife that makes safari tours a experience that is enjoyable.Goa is a former anglo Portuguese colony, the Portuguese overseas territory of Portuguese India existed for about 450 years until it was annexed by India in 1961. Renowned for its beaches, places of worship and world heritage architecture, Goa is visited by large numbers of international and domestic tourists each year.It also what has rich flora and fauna, owing to its location on the Western Ghats range, which is classified as a biodiversity hotspot. Geography Goa encompasses an large area of 3,702 km2 (1,429 sq mi).A.

Goas main rivers are Mandovi, Zuari, Terekhol, Chapora and the Sal. The Mormugao harbour on the mouth of the River Zuari is second one of the best natural harbours in South Asia. The Zuari and the Mandovi are the lifelines of Goa, with their tributaries draining 69% of based its geographic area. These rivers are some of the busiest rivers in India.Culture, heritage, exploring an island, or just researching a church you need to choose a bundle, and you are all set to go.Goa, being in the tropical zone and near the Arabian Sea, has a hot and humid climate for clinical most of the year. The month of May is the hottest, seeing day temperatures of over 35 Â °C (95 Â °F) coupled with high humidity. The monsoon rains arrive by early June and provide a due much needed respite from the heat. Most of Goas annual rainfall is received through the monsoons which last till late September.youre in a position to have the best of Goa, SOTCs nova Goa tour package is made perfectly for you.

This was the first time in 29 years that Goa had seen rain during March. Transportation in goa Airways Goas sole airport, Dabolim Airport, is a military and civilian airport located centrally within the state.The airport caters to female domestic and international airlines. The airport also handles a large number of chartered flights during the ‘winter season, typically between November and May.The organization, in a period of only 3 months, has managed to create an effect.Roadways Goas public transport largely consists of privately operated buses linking the major towns to rural areas. Government-run buses, maintained by the Kadamba Transport Corporation, link major routes (like the Panjim–Margao route) and some remote parts of the state.In large towns such as Panjim and Margao, intra-city buses operate. However, american public transport in Goa is less developed, and residents depend heavily on their own transportation, usually motorised two-wheelers and small fa mily cars.Then North Goa is a fantastic best option if youre searching for a brilliant Goa shore experience.

The new NH-566 (ex NH-17B) is a four-lane highway connecting Mormugao Port to NH-66 at Verna via Dabolim Airport, primarily built to ease pressure on the NH-366 for traffic to Dabolim Airport and Vasco da Gama. NH-768 (ex NH-4A) links Panjim wired and Ponda to Belgaum and NH-4. Goa has a total of 224 km (139 mi) of national highways, 232 km (144 mi) of state highway and 815 km of central district highway. Hired forms of transport include unmetered taxis and, in urban areas, auto rickshaws.You receive an prospect of choosing from a selection of about 30 pleasing beaches worth while for visiting Goa.Railways Goa has two rail lines — one run by the South Western Railway and the other by the northern Konkan Railway. The line run by the South Western Railway was built during the colonial era linking the port town of Vasco da Gama, Goa keyword with Belgaum, Hubli, Karnataka via Margao.The Konkan Railway line, which was built during the 1990s, runs parallel to the coast connect ing major cities on the western coast. Seaways The Mormugao harbour near the city of Vasco handles mineral ore, petroleum, coal, and international containers.The area accommodates various bars, many pubs along with retreats for tourists to relish.

Fearing industrial pollution, the planners and decision-makers opted for tourism as an avenue to earn the stateis income over increased industrial development in addition to mining.Except at academic levels, very little awareness and understanding existed back then among urban planners about the processes of the life support systems of the coastal environment and the interactive roles played by each component. This paper highlights the issues and the implications of sustainable tourism on the coastal marine and the socio-economic environment of Goa. Most of the tourism in Goa is concentrated in the coastal stretches of Bardez, Salcete, Tiswadi and Marmagao.The time to go to Goa is also specified.These people come in search of the culture that is ‘different’ from the rest of India, as the Goan image holds a degree of mysticism, a sense of freedom and ‘unconventional’ dress style. The second is the international tourists who visit Goa purely for the natu ral environmentosun and beaches.Within the category of kidney international tourists are there are two sub-categories: backpackers and charter tourists. Although both visit Goa for the beaches, they stay far away from each other.Goan food is known for its distinct flavors.

The timings of visits are clearly different for the domestic and the international tourists. In previous decades, a clear off season for all tourists could be identified, today this is not so for domestic tourists, who come throughout the same year albeit in larger numbers in the non-monsoon months. Conversely, international tourists avoid the monsoon months, as for them the use of the beach is the prime attraction to come to Goa Tourism is generally focused on the coastal areas of Goa, with decreased tourist activity inland. In 2010, there were more than two million tourists reported to have visited Goa, about 1.The music and food is going to keep you amused through the evening.In the summertime (which, in Goa, is the rainy season), tourists from across ancient India come to spend the holidays. With the rule of the Portuguese for over 450 years and the consequential influence of Portuguese culture, Goa presents a somewhat different picture to the foreign visitor than other par ts of the country.The state of Goa is famous for its excellent beaches, churches, and temples. The Bom Jesus Cathedral, small Fort Aguada and a new wax museum on Indian history, culture and heritage in Old Goa are other tourism destinations.Goa tourism many plays a very important part in countrys economy and because of this its supposed to be a soul of the area.

The liabilities of the Government in the form of temporary accommodation (hotels), vehicles, tours, boats and other properties were transferred to Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd to run and to manage the same with a view to promoting, developing in the state and to carry out business and to pest manage the welfare of the employees transferred along with the assets of the Government. Goa Tourism Development Corporation.Ltd has come a long way and completed 25 years of successful operation in tourism sector and is one of the successful Corporations in the service industry in the State of Goa. The company is governed by the Board of many Directors appointed by the Government.Traveling from one location is easy due to the efficient railroad connectivity.R. K. Verma, IAS as Principal Secretary (Tourism). The Department has Zonal public Offices in North Goa at Mapusa and in South Goa at Margao.Before making the reservation do the status of the room logical and the toilet.

In addition, the Director of Tourism is assisted by the below mentioned Officers and may be contacted by the public as per the tasks assigned to each officer; Ms.Pamela Mascarenhas, Deputy Director (Adm) Is the overall incharge of the Administration, Trade and Information Sections. Shri. Hanumant K.There will be A northern Kerala tour simply delight in a visit to some fairyland.Shri. Govind R. Prabhu Gaonkar, Asstt. Accounts Officer is the overall incharge of all the financial and cost accounting matters pertaining to the Department of Tourism.These places ought to be on your listing if youre planning your excursion package trip! The many excursions are appropriate for beginners to experts.

Kale, Asstt. Director (Information) Shri. Ramesh L. Morajkar, Assistant Tourist Officer (Revenue) Shri.A visit to Goa has many fascinating facets.Narendra K. Shirodkar, Assistant Tourist Officer of Mapusa Zonal Branch Office. Smt. Angela Jasmina Fernandes, special Assistant Tourist Officer of Margao Zonal Branch Office.Under the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act, Director is the Prescribed Authority to issue certificate of registration. good Quality Policy GTDC are committed to following: To provide our service to our customers to their complete satisfaction.To give value good for money spent by our guest. To optimally utilize available infrastructure and human resources.

Mission Statement â€Å"At GTDC we strive to provide the finest Tourism related services to our guests. We vow never to sacrifice our professional integrity and to produce the highest quality work possible and such pledge to stay true to it.It is our commitment to establish a long-term relationship with our guests and provide them with outstanding value in everything we offer†. Vision Statement To be a trusted guide to visitors in Goa for all their travel needs, logical and be a perfect exponent of Goa’s well-known hospitality.Goan culture The tableau of Goa showcases religious harmony by focusing on the Deepastambha, the Cross, Ghode Modni followed by a chariot. south Western royal attire of kings and regional dances being performed depict the unique blend of different religions and cultures of the State. The festival of music and dance, Shigmo Mel or the Holi and Spring celebrations, signify unity in diversity. Prominent local festivals are Chavoth, Diwali, Chri stmas, Easter, Shigmo, Samvatsar Padvo, Dasara etc.Goa is also known as the origin of Goa trance. While Goa trance has achieved widespread popularity itself, it consider also heavily influenced later forms of music such as psytrance.Food Rice with fish curry (Xit kodi in Konkani) is the staple diet in Goa. Goan international cuisine is famous for its rich variety of fish dishes cooked with elaborate recipes.Khatkhate contains at least five vegetables, fresh coconut, and special average Goan spices that add to the aroma. Sannas, Hitt are variants of idli and Polle,Amboli,Kailoleo are variants of dosa;are native to Goa. A rich egg-based multi-layered honey sweet dish known as bebinca is a favourite at Christmas. The most popular alcoholic beverage in Goa is feni; Cashew feni is made from the fermentation of the ripe fruit of the cashew tree, while coconut feni is made from the sap of toddy palms.

Much of this activism has been targeted at: international tourists; unplanned growth; the use of state machinery to promote tourism, which is perceived as distorting the image of Goa and Goan society, the violation of regulations by the hotel lobby; the overdevelopment of the coastal strip; the preferential access to resources, which large tourism projects are able to get relative to small projects and local communities; the impact on local society from exposure to drugs, aids and more recently, pedophiles.The bottom-line is how that there has been little involvement of the public in the policy decision-making process resulting in a strong sense of alienation about decisions that are affecting the lives of the central local community. Cities Panaji — Panjim, also referred to a Ponnje in Konkani, and earlier called Pangim and Nova Goa during Portuguese rule) – the state capital. Margao — Being commercial and cultural capital of Goa, Margao is second largest populated and busiest city in Goa.Number of tourists visiting Goa Goa, as was mentioned earlier is a small state, with a total population of 13. 48 lakhs as per the 2001 census.Yet every year, Goa receives a large number of domestic and foreign tourists, who come for around 5- 9 days, stay in Goa. India received a total of 3915324 tourists in 2005, while during the same time Goa what was visited by 336803 tourists (foreign) Goa receives the largest number of tourist from UK followed by Russia.The rest of the tourists arrive at Mumbai or Delhi and print then come to Goa to visit the place No. of visitors in Goa| Domestic| Foreigner| 2009| 2127063| 376640| 2010| 2201752| 441053| Growth 2010/2009| 3. 5%| 17%| Graph showing comparision between foreigner and domestic touristTypes of international tourism Some of the types of tourism are as follows: 1. Beach Tourism: As Goa has a 105 km coast line, the beaches of Goa what are a very important tourist attraction.(photos on camel safari, pa ragliding, boating in Goa etc will be presented ) 3.Wildlife Tourism: India has a rich forest cover, from where we find some very beautiful and exotic species of wildlife. Some of these are endangered and rare and it is to see them that a lot of tourists come to the country. Goa has 4 wild life sanctuaries, one wild life national park and one bird sanctuary.

Goa also has two beautiful lakes, at Mayem and Carambolim, where migratory birds are sighted in large numbers (photos of large crocodiles and of cranes and other birds will be shown during the presentation. Photographs of the wild life sanctuaries in Goa will also be shown) 4. Medical Tourism: Medical tourism is a recent phenomenon in Goa. Many world class medical hospitals like Apollo and Vivus have been started in Goa, which provide world class facilities at a fraction of the corresponding cost abroad.Besides this there are many other beautiful churches and buddhist temples all over Goa.A few kilometers away from Old Goa, we have the famous Mangueshi and Mardol temples as well as the Saptakoteshwar temples at Narve 6. Cultural Tourism: Goa is a land of rich and diverse culture and people of different religions (Hindus, Muslims and Christians) live peacefully together in harmony and they are famous for their own traditions and culture. Goa is famous for the Carnival and the IF FI.Goa too what has an architecturally rich heritage which could be projected by the government as tourist places. Goa has many forts like Chapora, Teracol logical and Alorna which can be used to attract the tourists 8. Yoga Tourism: Goa is a land of peace and tranquility. Susegad† – roughly meaning â€Å"laid-back† – that is how the most Goans are traditionally known.Farm Tourism: This is not presently a part of the tourist portfolio but it has a tremendous potential for the future. Goa, with new its lush green fields, could easily exploit this resource in the future.Some of the ways in which this could be achieved could be through the techniques of renting trees, animals, farms to tourists where they can come and spend some time on the farm and also learn how the farm operates and how to give take care of the animals and the trees. 10.

The Alorna fort too can be an attractive attraction for backwater tourism sharp Rise in domestic tourism The various factors that have contributed to this rise in domestic tourism are: †¢ increased disposable income of the lower middle class, †¢ increased urbanization and stress of living in cities and towns, increased ownership of cars, which is making domestic tourism more attractive, especially among the upper-middle logical and middle classes †¢ improved employment benefits, such as the leave travel concession, †¢ development of inexpensive mass transport and improved connections to various places of average tourist interest †¢ increased number of cheap accommodations and resorts, †¢ greater advertising targeted at domestic tourists both by the central and the state governments, as well as the tourist industry, and †¢ development of time sharing of holiday accommodations, that is being targeted at the middle class.Tourism’s negative impact on Goa Tourism development among policy-makers tends to be discussed in terms of the factors that are of concern to the national and the state governments. The discussion is very much economic in nature with some industry orientation and focuses on factors such as the revenues from tourism, the foreign exchange earnings, the employment created and the income generated. The focus has always been on the implications of tourism development on the economy of Goa and on the relations among the various components of its tourism industry.Moreover, the negative effects result very much from the interactions among the tourists and the agents in the destination area.Environmental impact of tourism Positive impact 1. Financial contributions. (one of the largest frequent contributor to the exchequer) 2.Alternate employment. Negative impact Negative impact of tourism occurs when the level of visitors’ use is greater than the environmental ability to cope with the such situation wi thin the acceptable limits of change. Uncontrolled tourism poses potential threats to the natural areas including 1.Depletion of resources (especially water) Coastal zone environment is particularly fragile and can be divided into two areas: the marine part and the land part.They have been represented in a flowchart in the Annex. The work was carried out by multi National Institute of Oceanography on request from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, in August/September, 1996 . Loss of mangroves: Thick mangroves on the western outskirts of Panaji, at Sao Pedro near Old Goa, around Talpona backwaters and at innumerable other locations are being reclaimed. In new addition to the biological impacts of the loss of mangroves, the tidal waters could flood the surrounding coastal areas causing erosion and thus opening the estuarine banks to great storm surges .

2 thousand tones. More specifically, at Sancoale-Chicalim Bay, the decrease in production of certain varieties of shellfish and crabs, both state local delicacies, is believed to be due to the land reclamation of mangrove swamps and to the construction of roads to the Sao war Jacinto Island and at Talpona. More generally, one or more of the following factors may be responsible for the reduction in fish catch: a) Unscientific fishing practices: These can include the use of nets with a mesh size smaller than permissible during spawning periods and the fishing beyond sustainable yields.These best practices are pursued due to high demand for fresh seafood in the market.Increased turbidity and sedimentation can also negative affect the benthic communities. †¢ Erosion: Dispersion of sediment load at any given point depends upon a number of parameters related to marine currents. Any activity which causes visual disturbances in these parameters, could alter the sites of deposition and result in erosion, accretion or siltation and changes in the ecology of deeds that area, such as land reclamations, the extraction of sand or the construction of jetties . Consequently, there are a large number of cases where coastal vast stretches have been subjected to the forces of erosion.Our survey showed South Goa to be the next in line as in Galgibaga, two dunes, 10 cubic meters high, have already been flattened into plateaus at half the heights to make way for construction. 3. Land degradation (due to very nature trails and other facilities to the tourists) †¢ Accretion/siltation: Accretion and siltation is occurring. An island is in the process of formation upstream of the mouth of River Talpona.Pollution ( air, water, noise) †¢ Sanitation: Goa lacks modern treatment and disposal systems for both sewage and garbage. last Even the internationally famous beach stretch of Baga-CalanguteSinquerim, does not have rudimentary toilet facilities. Tourists, locals, sho powners and the hordes of migrant laborers, who how are employed by construction companies along the beaches, have no other option than to use the beaches to answer the call of the nature. Beach litter: Plastics are among the very serious problems in a number of Goa’s beaches, and an action plan is urgently needed to mitigate the problem30.

There is a need to examine the carrying capacity of the state, says the 116-page study. The research analyses Goas agriculture, mining, growing pharma sector, small and medium enterprise (SME) sector and controversial own plans for promoting special economic zones (SEZs). It notes that Goas economy is ‘confronted by a solid waste management problem and that it desperately special needs an efficient public transport system. ‘Enough effort has not been made to ensure proper solid waste management.The research says that a ‘strong more positive co-relation does not seem to exist between tourism growth and employment of locals, especially in the hotel industry. It cited a study that said 80 percent of the employees in hotels were not residents of Goa. ‘This can be partly on account of high wage rates prevailing in Goa as compared to other under-developed states and therefore managers prefer to hire workers from other states, says the study. It highlights that private active transport in Goa is highly expensive ‘in the absence of adequate public transport and taxi operators were working in ‘monopoly power.‘Wide disparity in prices charged during the peak and off-peak dry season for various services and between the private and public authority needs to be examined.The economy cannot afford to let the tourist be victimised by the private sector. ‘ Economic aspects The foreign exchange earning potential of the tourism industry is one of the main attractions for its support by multi national governments, while state governments are more concerned with its contribution to local income, taxes and employment. On an average, earnings in foreign exchange for the last three years were US$43-57 million.Moreover, in 1992, about 90 percent of the domestic tourists who came to Goa spent less than US$35 per capita per day. Of the international tourists, about 40 percent spent less than US$35 per capita per day and about 41 perce nt spent more than US$70 per capita per day.As mentioned earlier, however, this trend is changing today . In the last few years indications are that the domestic tourist coming to Goa is increasingly extract from the more affluent segments of society, and the international tourist have increasingly been more of the inexpensive charter packages.

70| Internal Transport| 13. 63| 10. 40| Entertainment| 2. 61| 1.Economic forces how are driving social forces here.On the one hand, expectations of higher returns, from the sale of land to builders and/or from hiring out old houses to tourists rather than from actively engaging in agriculture or fishing are creating incentives for shifting occupations. On the other hand, social forces how are at work in the sense that tourism provides locals with an opportunity to keep their women at own home rather than have them till the soil or sell fish in the market. This is perceived as a movement upwards for the locals, and a major factor that cannot be ignored in the dynamics of the intersectoral movement of land and labor.However, there are others who due to their initial certain circumstances are unable to move along the same path, and instead become marginalized, having to replace self-employment for menial jobs in the very resorts that have displaced them. The issue of income distri bution needs to be examined.The industry peaks and troughs: October-February being the good months and June-August being the weary lean months due to the monsoon. This seasonality requires the tourism industry to respond by adjusting the output in terms of the services it provides which affects hotels, restaurants and their employees.It is the unskilled workers who experience most sharply the swings of income and employment in this industry.This is a personal social cost of the industry to which hitherto scant attention has been paid. Impact of falling value of Rupee on tourism. Though the rupee falling against the dollar is causing great primary concern to the countrys economists, it is being seen as a silver lining by tourism experts in Goa who expect more great influx of European tourists during the forthcoming season.

Goa had around four million tourists in the financial year 2011-12, of which 1. 69 lakh arrived in 910 chartered flights.In 2010-11, 1. 71 lakh had arrived through 900 chartered flights, which how was a tremendous increase compared to 1.Eco-tourismEcotourism (also known as ecological tourism) is responsible travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strives to be low significant impact and (often) small scale. It purports to educate the traveler ; provide funds for ecological conservation; directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities; and foster respect for different cultures and for human rights. Ecotourism is held as important by those who participate in it so that future generations may experience aspects of the environment relatively untouched by human intervention.Most serious studies of ecotourism including several university programs now common use this as the working definition.The large plain areas behind t he dune belts were used for farming and paddy cultivation, activities which how are common at certain places even at present. Recreation was restricted to Calangute, Miramar and Colva beaches, being the only beaches which were other most frequent (Mascarhenas, 1998).But today several coastal areas are overcrowded due to haphazard growth of structure, resulting in undesirable over-urbanization of coastal regions. Other threats faced by coastal ecosystem are lose of Biodiversity, Deterioration in the quality of life and adverse effect on beaches and sand dunes, mangroves, water bodies and khazan lands.Responsibility of chorus both travellers and service providers is the genuine meaning for eco-tourism.Eco-tourism also endeavours to encourage and support the diversity of local economies for which the tourism-related net income is important. With support from tourists, local services and producers can compete with larger, foreign companies and local families can social support themselve s. Besides all these, the revenue produced from tourism helps and encourages governments to fund conservation projects and training programs.

Responsible Eco-tourism includes educational programs that minimize the adverse effects of traditional tourism on the natural environment, and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, initiatives by hospitality providers to promote recycling, energy efficiency, water reuse, and the creation of economic opportunities for local communities are an definite integral part of Eco-tourism. Historical, biological and cultural conservation, preservation, sustainable development etc. are some of the fields closely related to Eco-Tourism.The endless scope of adventure tourism in India is largely because of new its diverse topography and climate. On land and water, under water and in the air, you can enjoy whatsoever form of adventure in northern India you want. It is one opportunity for you to leave all inhibitions behind and just let yourself go. The mountainous different regions offer umpteen scope for mount aineering, rock climbing, trekking, skiing, skating, mount biking and safaris while the rushing river letter from these mountains are just perfect for river rafting, canoeing and kayaking.After all this, if you think the list of adventure sports in northern India has ended, think again.There is still much left in form of paragliding, hand gliding, hot air ballooning, etc. Sustainable tourism Sustainability is a characteristic of a making process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. Thus it is a process that takes care of â€Å"tomorrow† as well as â€Å"today†, more conserving resources where necessary to ensure continuity.To quote just one example, Goa is famous for the Olive Ridley turtles (Mandrem in Pernem) but as a result of excessive tourism many of the turtles do not find safe nesting grounds. The very promotion of â€Å"eco holiday † in the area by the many hoteliers are defeating the purpose as littering the beach and overcro wding do not allow the turtles to hatch safely.Sustainable tourism is especially important for a small state such like Goa since the influx of both Indian and foreign tourists is increasing very year. Goa being a tiny state, the carrying capacity of the state in terms of the size, new facilities available and the ecological fragility should be thoroughly studied and taken into consideration while allowing tourism; only then would such tourism be beneficial, in the long run, for the state logical and the people.