Saturday, August 31, 2019

Counterterrorism and home grown terrorist

The problem posed by terrorism has received serious attention not only in this country but also in the international community. It poses a real menace and challenge to the nation peace and security, harming the life, dignity and safety of the innocent people. This also weakens the economy and put dangers in all aspect of the states activity. The September 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington D. C. killed citizens from 83 countries and (according to the United Nations estimates) cost the global economy at least 350 billion dollars.Terrorism is proving to be the dark side of globalization, and because of it, new challenges to the country have emerged. In order to deal with such a complex phenomenon, it is essential to shape a comprehensive and nuanced strategy. The nation should take serious position against terrorism no matter when, where and what forms it occurs, or whom it is targeted. All agencies of the government, local or national, including every individual should st ep up their cooperation in preventing and combating terrorism. How serious a threat is homegrown terrorism in the United States?Experts say it is quite likely that the next terrorist attack will not be the work of well-trained al-Qaeda operatives sent from abroad, but rather that of an American citizen. As al-Qaeda leaders focus more of their energy on trying to inspire others to commit acts of terror, most security and counterterrorism officials believe their message will resonate with at least some small number of Americans. Such fears tend to focus on American Muslims, and experts say this is logical given recent events in Europe.Yet the American Islamic community also has proven one of the government’s best resources for preventing the emergence of homegrown Islamic terrorists. Richard A. Falkenrath, New York City’s deputy police commissioner for counterterrorism, recently told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that the possibility of a ‘homegrownâ€℠¢ terrorist attack against New York City or any other American city is real and is worsening; it is hard to anticipate the motives or actions of a homegrown terrorist.Yet despite the high probability of a homegrown terrorist attack, experts say such an event is likely to have a relatively small impact when compared to attacks by conventional terrorist networks but it should be cautioned that self-radicalized individuals and groups can become far more dangerous when they reach out for support from more established terrorist networks. BODY: I. Combating Terrorism: To combat the terrorism, expert stresses the need to grasp two aspects of terrorism: Its root causes and its technological Complexity.The root causes of terrorism, both domestic and international, are varied and complex. One set of factor is essentially ideological and includes religious and ethno nationalistic extremism. Second is the technological complexity, the new terrorist are distinguished by their general ability to use new information and communication technologies. They are also fully able to exploit technology to enhance their illegal transnational activities (Banlaoi, 2004). II. Three factors that must be considered in dealing with terrorism:First, it must involve the gradual and painstaking winning of the hearts and mind of disaffected peoples, great patience and endurance is required. Second, the political nature of the campaign against terror suggests that such a comprehensive strategy cannot be pursued without full cognizance of the potential negative consequences of any action contemplated. Thirdly, a comprehensive strategy must be implemented within a substantive multilateral framework, and ensure the fullest regional participation.There should be four key of such a strategy, socio economic, coercive, political and technical. Socioeconomic measures, poverty and extreme socioeconomic marginalization are root causes of terrorism. These may be the result of either deficient domestic poli cies or powerful globalization processes. Hence developed countries should increase trade, investment and aid linkages with developing countries to enhance their capacities for good governance.Coercive Measures, Strong legal enforcement measures such as freezing of assets and detentions of individuals suspected of complicity in terrorist plots, are the first line attack in the campaign against terror. Political Measures, terrorist by definition fight for a political cause, perceived as ‘just’ or otherwise. Terrorist groups also often feed upon political issues for support/ such as grievances and opposition to illegal and armed occupation, oppression, and abuse and denial of civil and political rights.Technical Measures, It is vitally important that the capacity of the terrorist to plan, fund and implement their activities must be targeted (Banlaoi, 2004). III. The country’s practical measures against terrorist are the following: (1) Identification of terrorist,(2 ) Location and tracking identified terrorists, (3). apprehension of identified terrorist, (4). Prosecution of the identified terrorist and (5), Punishment of the guilty terrorist (Marchetti,1976) IV. Anti terrorism program: A. There are four (4) basic program components associated with the anti terrorist program.The prevention which focuses on international initiative and diplomacy to discourage foreign states from supporting terrorism second is deterrence which emphasizes protection and security and efforts-essentially target hardening-to discourage terrorist acts, thirdly, the reaction, this consist of operations in response to specific major acts of terrorism and lastly is prediction, this includes intelligence and counterintelligence efforts in continues support of the three other program components B. The specific anti-terrorist measures developed and used in fighting terrorismIncludes close international screening of all airlines and passengers for metallic objects, tighter se curity of diplomatic installations, compilation of watch list terrorist, adoption of measures to sow dissention within terrorist group thru black and gray covert operations. V. Ways to fight Terrorism: A. There follows a general measures in fighting terrorism, this are protection of terrorist targets. The terrorist commonly attack strong points such as airports, communications and national offices.Another is the need to expand intelligence gathering in order to initiate particular course of action and forestall the plan of the enemy. The community must also be train for trouble; this will be possible by preparing them to any unusual occurrence like terrorist attacks. The country should improve international cooperation and negotiate flexibly. Others are don’t rule rescues, lean on terrorist allies, order selective reprisals, crack down on unsafe airports and tighten airport and seaport security. B.Psychological operations (PSYOPS) approaches in countering terrorist threats. 1 . Widespread educational program directed at audience in the affected areas will expose threat to stability and the quality of life by those threat groups 2. High visibility amnesty and â€Å"secret witness† programs could directly attack the organizational integrity and solidarity of those threat groups. 3. Target the rivalries and jealousy existing in those threat groups. 4. Develop constructive relationship among the various disputants to enhance high level diplomatic talks. C.To develop terrorism counteraction plans and programs, it is necessary to conduct threat studies, to provide an understanding of the capabilities and intentions of terrorist groups, Vulnerability surveys, to reveal the weakness that terrorist can attack and Analysis of all the effects of terrorism. D. PSYOPS doctrine prescribes the use off â€Å"Propaganda Analysis† to determine the effects of activities, programs or campaigns. The basic approaches in this procedure are analysis of Source, Con tents, Audience, Media, and Effects (SCAME). Propaganda is the primary vehicle of psychological warfare.It includes any activity that affects emotion, attitude and behavior of a target audience (Marchetti, 1976) HOME GROWN TERRORISM: Scott Redd, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, said in a written statement to the Senate that the emergence of home-grown terrorist groups is posing â€Å"real challenges† for U. S. authorities despite law enforcement successes at disrupting potential attacks. Most security and counterterrorism officials believed that the next terrorist attack will not be the work of well-trained al-Qaeda operatives sent from abroad, but rather that of an American citizen.The White House’s National Strategy for Combating Terrorism says the main terrorist threat today comes from those who â€Å"exploit Islam and use terrorism for ideological ends. † Experts say individuals who are likely to adopt a terrorist ideology share several qual ities: youth, unemployment, feelings of alienation, a longing to feel self-importance, and a need to be part of a group. Religion can be compelling to such individuals, who are then prone to exploitation by deceitful religious leaders. R. P.Eddy, senior fellow for counterterrorism at the Manhattan Institute, says, â€Å"If you think of any ethnic community in this country†¦there are people of all stripes. † However, he suggests counterterrorism efforts should pay close attention to Muslim communities in the United on lessons from the attacks in Madrid in 2003 and London in 2004, which originated in Muslim communities. The White House’s National Strategy for Combating Terrorism says that the main terrorist threat today comes from those who â€Å"exploit Islam and use terrorism for ideological ends.† Experts say individuals who are likely to adopt a terrorist ideology share several qualities: youth, unemployment, feelings of alienation, a longing to feel self -importance, and a need to be part of a group. Religion can be compelling to such individuals, who are then prone to exploitation by deceitful religious leaders. The relationship between American Muslims and homegrown terrorism. Though many of the homegrown terrorists identified in the United State especially since the 9/11 attacks have been Muslims, it is important to note that religious motivations are not present in all instances.It is suggested that counterterrorism efforts should pay close attention to Muslim communities in the United States, where al-Qaeda’s message of radical Islam is more likely to resonate. How have Muslim communities in the United States responded to the growing concern over homegrown terrorists? By and large, American Muslims express great concern over the prospect of homegrown terrorists in their midst. To this end, members of Islamic communities have worked to establish good relationships with U. S. officials, particularly on the local level.Huss ein Ibish, executive director of the Hala Salaam Maksoud Foundation for Arab-American Leadership, says in terms of counterterrorism efforts, â€Å"Most of the major successes the government claims within the United States have actually involved cooperation with the local Muslim communities. How have U. S. officials reacted to the prospect of homegrown terrorists? Experts judge government responses as mixed. Generally speaking, the local approach proves most effective. Eddy says local police are the best tool the government has for preventing homegrown terrorists.Good community policing—establishing relationships and keeping abreast of trends in a neighborhood â€Å"based on common interests other than terrorism†Ã¢â‚¬â€underpins any effort to detect a homegrown plot. Eddy views officers as â€Å"first preventers and not just as first responders,† but it remains incumbent on political leaders to support them as such Home-grown cells were a new domestic phenomeno n for which the FBI and law enforcement agencies had no â€Å"baseline† for measuring the scale of the problem CONCLUSION: Terrorism is a crime committed by a handful of extremist elements and should not be ad equated with any specific ethnic group or religion.Under no circumstances should double standards in applying this principle be allowed. To fight terrorism effectively requires efforts to address its ideological, socioeconomic and political root causes. This should involve strategies aimed at currently solving both current problems and identifying permanent solutions in the long run. An important prerequisite in this connection is to resolve the question of development and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. The so called war on terror is not just a war that can be won by sole reliance on military and coercive measures.Recommendation: The country should review and strengthen national mechanism to combat terrorism. Efforts in suppressing sources of funds must b e doubled. The country needs to continuously deepen seeking cooperation from allies’ country in enforcing anti-terrorist program and practices. Develop regional capacity building programmed to enhance existing capabilities to detect, monitor and report terrorist acts and plans. Strengthen cooperation at the bilateral, regional and international levels in combating terrorism in a comprehensive manner and affirm that at the international level.Convene a high level of ad-hoc experts group as the lead to anti terrorism that will continue to focus on the preventions and control of terrorism. To better deter and prevent potential acts of terrorism at home, the state should enact law that will restrict the movement of those who pose a terrorist threat to the community to include organizations which advocate terrorism. Holds accountable all public and private organizations abetting terrorism; Calls for greater vigilance and concrete measures against all possible terrorist supplies, m aterials and finances.The country should designate Cabinet Oversight Committee on Internal Security as the lead to anti terrorism. Americans had to accustom to new security measures that complicated their travel, work, and recreation. United States agencies rearranged their priorities, and local governments scrambled to make preparations for potential terrorist attacks, possibly involving biological, chemical, or even nuclear weapons. References Banlaoi, 2004, War on Terrorism, Rex Bookstore Inc. , Recto Avenue Desker, B. , and Kumar R. ,( 2002) Forging an Indirect Strategy in Southeast Asia.† The washington Quarterly, Volume 25, No. 2 Dulles, A. , (1972) The Craft of Intelligence, New York, wermer paperback, Marchetti, V. (1976), The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, New York, Pell Agam, H. ,(2001) â€Å"Measure to Eliminate International Terrorism† New York, Paper Back. Ganor, B. (2003)Defining Terrorism: Is One Man’s Terrorist Another Man’s Freedom Figh ter†, http://terror. host. net. kg Homer, D. (2003) The Rise of Complex Terrorism, http//www. Foreignpolicy. com http://counterterrorism. org/mt/pings. cgi/3655 .

Friday, August 30, 2019

Why Was the Treaty of Versailles so Unpopular in Germany?

Why was the Treaty of Versailles so unpopular in Germany? The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty that was drawn up by the Allies and Germany after the First World War. It was made to prevent Germany from starting a war again and to pay back the Allies for the money they had spent. The Germans had hoped that the Allies would treat them fairly in the negotiations for the treaty, but the Allies, in particular France, believed that Germany should be brought to its knees.France was not as satisfied as it would have liked, because Woodrow Wilson, who stood for America in the peace conferences, wanted those in power in Germany to be punished, rather than the German people. In the end, the treaty stated that Germany had to pay ? 6000,600,000,000 in reparations, they lost a lot of land (including the Ruhr Valley), they were stripped of their aircraft and air force, they only had six battleships and nothing else, they had no modern weapons, and they were only allowed 100,000 soldiers.Th e western part of Germany called the Rhineland was de-militarized (taken over by British and French troops and controlled by the Allies). Finally, Germany was made to accept that they were the ones who started the war. The Germans hated the treaty. They believed that they had been shamed globally, and they were humiliated. Germany had always been well known for having a strong army, and now they had only 100,000 soldiers, no modern weapons, only 6 battleships, and no navy or air force.The thousands of soldiers that were simply sent home from the Western Front were now unemployed, living in a country that was becoming poorer by the day, and wanted revenge. They believed that Germany could have won the war, but the new democratic government had taken their chance. They also stated that the country would be powerless against the smallest of nations. The Germans were also furious about the various terms of the Treaty. They hated Clause 231 – the ‘War Guilt’ clause â €“ which stated that Germany had caused ‘all the loss and damage’ of the war.Firstly, the Germans did not think that they had caused the war (for the Germans, the war was a war of self-defence against Russia, which had mobilised 31 July 1914). During the 1920s, the Germans published all their secret documents from 1914, to prove they had tried to stop the war. Secondly, the Germans hated clause 231 because accepting it gave the Allies the moral right to punish Germany – it validated all the harsh terms of the Treaty. The Germans also disliked the reparations, which were to be paid in instalments until 1984.They did not accept that Germany had caused all the damage. They felt that the huge sum was just designed to destroy their economy and starve their children. Most of all, they hated reparations because they too had rebuilding work to do. Germany’s economy was ruined, but, instead of being able to pump investment into German industry, the country had to send abroad huge sums of money that German industry was not yet strong enough to earn. Finally, the territorial terms of the Treaty of Versailles also made the Germans angry. Germany lost 10% of its land.The Saar was a valuable coalfield, and West Prussia and Upper Silesia were rich farming areas, so their loss further weakened Germany’s economy. The loss of the Polish Corridor separated East Prussia from Germany, and further damaged the German economy. Germany lost 16% of its coalfields and half its iron and steel industry. The loss of all Germany’s colonies was seen as the Allies building empires. The loss of Malmedy to Belgium, Schleswig to Denmark, Memel to Lithuania, Alsace-Lorraine to France was also a national humiliation. The Treaty of Versailles also stopped Germany joining with Austria.This seemed unfair to the Germans, because everywhere else in Europe, the Treaties of 1919–20 gave peoples self-determination, but they divided Germany, and put 12. 5 % of its population into other countries. The army believed that the government had betrayed them by signing the Treaty, and the political opposition backed this. A huge number of the German population were now against the new democratic government and the Treaty of Versailles, and it became known as the Versailles Diktat (the Treaty had been forced on the Germans). Becky Hutton

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Managing Your Boss – Review

Human Resource Management – Book Review â€Å"Managing Your Boss† by John J. Gabarro and John P. Kotter Harvard Business Review, 2005 Introduction People sometimes do not realize how much their bosses depend on them and many people also do not realize how much they depend on their boss. For example bosses need honesty from manager’s direct reports. People can managing their bosses for very good reasons: to get resources to do the best job, not only for their-selves but also for their bosses and their companies as well. Effective managers take time and effort to manage not only relationship with subordinates but also those with their bosses.This essential aspect of management is sometimes ignored by otherwise talented and aggressive managers. And there are some managers who actively and effectively supervise subordinates, markets, etc assume an almost passively reactive stance when they meet their bosses. With this mutual dependence, effective managers seek out in formation about boss’s concerns and are sensitive to his work style. Whether see the boss as the enemy or viewing the boss as an all-wise parent. Summary The book is divided into four big parts. First part is Misreading The Boss-Subordinate Relationship.This part provide about how two people can on occasional be psychological or temperamentally incapable of working together, where a personality conflict sometimes only a very small part of the problems. Sometimes people did not realize that their relation with their subordinates involved mutual dependence between two unperfected human being. Some people behave base on their thought, that their bosses were not really rely on them. And some people behave as they not really rely on their bosses. To manage situation like this we need a good understanding of the other person and ourselves, and use that information to develop and anage a compatible working atmosphere that compatible with both people’s work style and assets. S econd part is about Understanding The Boss where we need to appreciate our boss’s goals and pressures, strengths and weakness, their organizational and personal objectives, their long suits and blind spot. And also the detail of their style of working like how they like to get information through memos, formal meeting or phone calls? Managers cannot avoid unnecessary conflicts, and problems without that information. Sensitive to a boss’s style can be crucial especially when the boss is new.Third part is about Understanding Yourself where we need to develop an effective working relationship requires, and then knows our own needs. We not going to change our basic personality but we can be more aware about what impedes us and we can facilitates working with our bosses. With that, relationship became more effective. Gaining self-awareness and acting on it are difficult but not impossible. There are two types of managers, counter dependence and overdependence. Both lead man agers to hold unrealistic view of what a boss is, and ignore that most bosses, are imperfect and fallible.Forth part is Developing and Managing The Relationship. With a clear understanding about ourselves and our boss, we can usually create a way of working together that fits both of us. That can help ourselves and our boss be more productive and effectively. Find a compatible work style. Peter Drucker divides bosses into listener and reader. Some like to get information in report so they can read and study about it, other better with information presented in person so they can ask question. Discover mutual expectation from both sides. Some bosses will spell out their expectations very explicit and detail, but must do not.Effective managers will find ways to get that information. Mutual expectation requires us to communicate our own expectation to the boss. Effective managers recognize that they probably under estimate what their bosses need to know, and make sure they find ways to keep them informed through processes that fit their styles. It is almost impossible for bosses to work effectively if they cannot rely on a fairly accurate reading from their subordinate. Managers need to use their boss’s time effectively. Critique In this book, managing your boos doesn’t mean tricking or leading your boss.But it is more likely to make a supportive working atmosphere with your boss. In order for you to gave the best, not only for company and your boss benefits but also for yourself. The most important is for you. Managing your boss need to understand what are boss needs, working style, his or her strengths, and weaknesses. Act like a detective. It just likes mutual dependence between two fallible human beings. A good understanding of other person and yourself especially regarding strengths, weaknesses, work styles and needs is a must. And then use that information to develop and manage a healthy working relationship.It’s a right way to effective ly managing your boss. Smart way to avoiding conflict and make mistake. According to boss’s opinion, employees sometimes did too many wrong things that spending their time. But it not always because of employees really did a wrong thing, but sometimes also because of the boss being vague about what he need and his expectation. It’s hard to find out because some bosses are unclear and lazy to explaining the details because it will consume much time to explain it. But in other hand employees sometimes become a victim of bad bosses.It just likes two different perspectives about boss-subordinate relationship. To understand your boss, the article says, we need to appreciate his goals and pressure, strengths and weakness, his long suit and blinds spot and even his preferable to get information through. To understanding yourself, there are two behaviors, counter dependent and over dependent. One see boss as an enemy, other see boss as an all-wise parent. Both behaviors failed to understand boss as a fallible human. Boss also have their own pressures and concerns, they also have limited time, don’t have encyclopedic knowledge or extrasensory perception.If you aware enough of these issues, and understand about the different, you can estimate in which area we fall, that might affect relationship between you and your boss. Finding his hot buttons, little things that people do will annoy them. Hot buttons are hard to anticipate but employee need to watch their boss closely to see what kind of things can pushes that hot buttons. Next step is to find a way of working that suits employee and boss. Work style can be customized and adapted so that you communicate become more effectively. How much information does your boss want?Peter Drucker categorizing bosses as â€Å"listeners† or â€Å"readers. † We need to brief â€Å"listener† in person, then follow it up with a memo. Some want a really detail about everything that employees are doing, including background information. Other just wants a quick short brief overview and become impatient when employee describes explanations. Finding out whether your boss is a 5 minute boss or a 30 minute boss or not at all, will make relationship between employee and boss flow more smoothly. Cover important items on proposal, in a memo or report for a â€Å"reader† then discuss it with them.Building mutual expectations is important. Specify a boss's expectations can be tricky, employee need to think creatively, perhaps sending boss memos outlining expectations and scheduling follow-up meetings to cover the memos. Employees should keep their boss as informed as possible, in ways that suit their boss style. Meeting deadlines is critical, and honesty is still the best policy, particularly where your boss is concerned. Conclusion In my opinion, it is just about two fallible, that really a human thing. Every employee need to read this book, to open their eyes about unseen th ings in their everyday working.Although it not as easy as turning our hands, we need to have a really good understanding, not only our bosses, bur also ourselves. Beside we need to be a detective, we also need to care about every detail things about our bosses. It is easy to read, but maybe a little bit hard to do it, it requires a lot of mutual understanding. Just like building, managing and taking care of our own relationship with our boyfriend or girlfriend. This is a really interesting and very useful book for my career. It told me everything that I didn’t realize all this time.

Short Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short Essays - Essay Example Realising this, activists and several organizations publicised various messages attracting people to places like the Tahrir square. Social media played a role in shaping opinions, empowerment, influencing change and mobilization of people. Undeniably, a flurry of tweets and Facebook posts spiked to force downfall of President Mubarak. In essence, social media helped sway public attitude and reaction. Facebook acted as a place to vent out the hatred and outrage for the long-term oppression and economic instability. The government effort to end different social media sites backfired resulting into even more protests. The press and newcomers got wind of the antagonism bringing into light more foot soldiers. More people became active and attempted to find out more information about the protests. Activists used particular events to attract attention from different people. For example, the death of Khaled Said who had been brutally beaten by police became a focal point of protesters. Over 500,000 people viewed his YouTube video while 470,000 joined a Facebook page formulated on the same (Patrut & Patrut, 2014). From this perspective, social media promoted shared values and interests hence prompting protests. The Darwinian style of development believes in the survival for special populations as depicted in Weimar republic. Arguably, the Weimar government comprised of people with different interests. In as much as several reasons can support their actions, apparently each party strived to maintain its comfort. Notably, the right and left wing of the Weimar Government pressured the leaders promoting many problems such as hyperinflation. Many conditions made Darwinian theory evident in the Weimar leadership style. For example, noble families found it difficult to be ruled by army leaders who were from the lower class. On the other hand, army leaders also had different views regarding Weimar government including

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

History of Transportation in New Jersey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History of Transportation in New Jersey - Essay Example From 1860, gradually the canal grew even more to permit 70 tons of boats to pass by. However, traffic reached to the climax in 1866 when the canal conceded about 889,220 tons of cargo. The canal was leased in 1871 by the Lehigh Valley Railroad, mainly to give the railroad the use of the expensive mortal properties which was located in Phillipsburg. In 1871, the canal started to turn down. It finally got abandoned in 1924 when the state of New Jersey took control. In the mid of 1924 to 1929, a large part of the canal was dismantled. (New Jersey's Great Northwest Skylands, 2008). Railroads that played a major role in the transportation history include the New York Central Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad. The agreement of New York Central Railroad took place at March 14, 1836. It is one of the first railroads in United States. New York Central Railroad was known as the New York Central in its exposure. It was a railroad which was operated in the Northeastern United States. It served a huge part of Northeast which included widespread tracking path in various states of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and many more. It was mainly connected with Chicago and Boston. The Grand Central Terminal of New York Railroad is also known to be one of the best existing landmarks. However, in 1986, it combined with its previous rival, namely the Pennsylvania Railroad to shape the Penn Central. But unfortunately, the company got bankrupted and was taken over by the federal government and got united with the Conrail. The first four track and long distance railroad in the world were from New York Central namely Water Level Route. (Encyclopedia, 2004). On the other hand, the Pennsylvania Railroad was founded in 1846 and was an American railroad. It was leading railroad by traffic and profits in United States, all the way through the 20th century. At one time it was the biggest publicly business corporation in the world. It controlled about 10,000 miles of rail line. The Pennsylvania Railroad or PPR was united with at least about 800 rail lines and various companies. It still embraces a record for the greatest incessant dividend in the history as it paid out yearly dividends to the shareholder continuously for more than hundred years. The Pennsylvania Railroad constructed various grand passenger stations in different major cities, including Broad Street Station, Union Station, Penn Station, Penn Station which was built in Newark, 30th Street Station and Union Station. It served for the PPR's wide ranging passenger service. (Pe nnsylvania Railways). However, people like Cornelius Vanderbilt and Andrew Carnegie are among those people who have supported the construction of early transportation. If we compare both of them, Cornelius Vanderbilt was a thriving man due to his reputation of being a reliable boatman and secondly for charging fares lower than his rivals. He is also known as the transportation tycoon. In 1812, Vanderbilt got a label of Commodore because he was in command of the leading boat on the Hudson River. He sent steamboats where shipping was started and started to work on the ferry route flanked by New Brunswick and New York City. In 1840's, Cornelius Vanderbilt had about 100 of steamboats and employed people more than any other industry in United States. When he was in his 70's, he saw that the future is in the railroads, so

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Interview with a manager on goal setting and organisational skills Essay

Interview with a manager on goal setting and organisational skills - Essay Example Business analysis is one of the most crucial phases of software development. The results of the analysis provide a basis for the phases that come in next. Any error in the business analysis could have a huge impact on the end product and would eventually lead to customer dissatisfaction (Carkenord, 2009). Questionnaire: Response 1 Do you have clear and specific goals? Mostly True 2 Do you have any planned outcomes regarding your life? Mostly True 3 Do you prefer general goals to specific goals? Mostly False 4 Do you work better without deadlines? Mostly True 5 Do you dedicate a part of your time everyday to plan out your work? Mostly False 6 Are you clear about the measures that would indicate the achievement of your goals? Mostly True 7 Do you work better by setting challenging goals for yourself? Mostly True 8 Do you help out others regarding clarification of their goals? Mostly True (Daft, Kendrick, & Vershinina, 2010) Comparison of scores: Mr. Thompson’s scored a total of six points. During the interview Mr. Thompson stated that he preferred setting goals that were specific to and were short term in nature. Other than that he has worked out various goals for different aspects of his life and is working towards the achievement of those goals. ... Moreover he didn’t dedicate any specific time during the day or during the week to plan. He felt that specific planning complicated his short term goals. The overall score of Mr. Thompson was of six points. The score of five points and above indicates that the individual possesses good behavior regarding goal setting (Daft, Kendrick, & Vershinina, 2010). The six points scored by Mr. Thompson is a clear indication that regarding goal setting he posse’s excellent skills and can use these skills to become an efficient leader. Goal setting and organizational skills: Goal setting is the procedure for assimilating the creation of various realistic objectives and goals that ought to be achieved by an individual. Also, the achievement should be noted within particular time duration (Rouillard, 2003). Goal setting for a person can be encouraged by informing them of what is expected of them. Personally a person sets goals for himself or herself to plan ahead for their life. Usual ly these goals are related to a person’s career or to their financial situations (Rouillard, 2003). Organizational skills help an individual manage time and various resources available to him or her at work or in personal life. Proper management of such resources enables a person to improve his or her productivity and provides efficiency in his performance. Organizational skills prioritize a person’s duties with respect to time (Facts on File, Inc., 2009). Various tools are used to help individuals manage these resources and their time at work. One such tool is a prioritized list. A prioritized list is a list of all the tasks that need to be completed by an individual in a particular period of time. The tasks on the list are arranged in order of urgency (Stroman,

Monday, August 26, 2019

No Child Left Behind Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

No Child Left Behind Act - Research Paper Example One such act which relates vehemently the inclusive educational system is the famous act of No child Left Behind Act of 2001 in passed by the then American President George W. Bush. The paper will seek to analyse the social, economic and political status that led to the development of the act. Social status associated with the NCLB Act The national Commission on Excellence in Education in the year 1981 was vested upon the responsibility to review as well as synthesize literature and scholarly data in order to assess the then quality of teaching as well as educational standards in both the public as well as the private sector with a special emphasis on the educational experiences of the teen age youth. The report investigations revealed significant information among which the most important which can be stated here is that around 17% of all the 17 years old children in the United States of America was considered as functionally illiterate with the percentage of the minority youths rea ching as high as 40 percent. Areas of faults were conjectured in the poor performances in important subjects like English, Physics, mathematics as well as in verbal communications. There was also deterioration in the academic achievements owing to the racial and ethnic differences as well. The findings and the report concentrated on the weaknesses of the approaches of content, expectations, time and teaching. Thus identification of these parameters let the government to drive its focus on the movement towards a standard based educational system which came up in the forefront with the passage of Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994 (IASA). The IASA along with the following implementation of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, the ESEA focused on the ensuring of the needs of all the students including the disadvantaged students along with the children who were vulnerable to the risk of school. In the mid 1980s, the testing industry saw a major shift towards standard based h igh stake assessments as one of the most necessary components of the standard based reforms. There was also a shift in the expectations of the marketplace as well. Within the span of 1994-2000, majority of the states in America enhanced standards of the contents, standards of performance and so on. The states also demanded the minimization of the time lag between the testing and the receipt of the score reports (Jorgenson & Hoffman, 2003, pp. 1-5). The test scores as an indicator of the actual achievement of the students started to become implemented in the reality and along with that the notion of social justice was also attached to the implementation motive. Thus a wave of establishing a new law made the lawmakers rethink and establish a new law with various threshold standards set for the purpose of introduction to inclusive education as well as focus on the delivery of social justice (Robicheau, 2006, pp. 2-3). Within such a social backdrop, on January 8, 2002, American Presiden t George W. Bush declared the law of No Child Left Behind Act which was directed towards the establishment of absolute clarity towards the value, use as well as the importance of the achievement of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Identify and discuss the key factors that influence the logistical Essay

Identify and discuss the key factors that influence the logistical processes at Tate and Lyle - Essay Example Moreover, the group has diversified portfolio business operations throughout the globe, thus making it one of the leading players in renewable food and industrial ingredient industry. The subject of this report is the determination of the key factors that influence the logistical processes at Tate & Lyle Plc. This study is significant because Tate & Lyle has a strong global presence. Moreover, understanding the logistical processes of the group will help not only in clarifying and in addressing the issues encountered by the group in its logistical processes, but it will also provide clearer grounds in apprehending the theoretical and practical application of logistics. As such, the purpose of the report is the identification and discussion of the key factors that affect the logistical processes at Tate & Lyle Plc. In order to achieve this purpose, several academic literatures pertinent to the subject matter have been gathered. The electronic databases EConlit, Academic Source Premier , Business Source Premier, GoogleScholar and Jstor have been searched, and the following key terms have been used Tate & Lyle Plc, logistical processes, logistics, sugarcane industry, globalisation, and supply-chain management in the search. The report is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction wherein the subject, both the purpose and structure of the report are presented. In the second part, a brief company profile is provided while in the third part pertains to the supply chain in Tate & Lyle. The fourth part of the report deals with the transportation arrangements adopted by the group, while in the fifth section the inventory costs of Tate & Lyle will be discussed. Finally, the last part of the report is the conclusion. Company View: Tate & Lyle Plc Tate & Lyle Plc manufactures a wide range of products. The group’s ingredients are produced from renewable raw materials primarily corn, sugarcane, wheat, and molasses (Datamonitor, 2008; 2010). These raw ma terials are transformed into ethanol, citric acid, sweeteners and starches, and through the help of technology, it becomes a valuable ingredient for food, beverages and other industrial commodities. The end-users of the Tate & Lyle’s products are wide and varied. It ranges from branded food manufacturers, beverages, pharmaceutical products, household products, building products, paper and board to consumer brands and animal feeds (Datamonitor, 2010). Tate & Lyle creates its portfolio of renewable ingredients using three main processes: milling, fermentation and sugar refining. The group's other essential raw material processes include its patented sucralose processing of sugar. Tate & Lyle maintains more than 45 production facilities throughout Europe, the Americas and South East Asia (Datamonitor, 2010, p. 20). The company is considered as one of the leading manufacturers in renewable food and industrial ingredients. It is one of the largest producers of white and raw sugar in the world including leading brands such as Tate & Lyle (UK), and Alcantara (Portugal) (Datamonitor, 2010, p. 21). In the United States, the group is the second largest sugar refining company holding 36% of the market share. Likewise, Tate & Lyle is also second largest company in sugar beet processing in the U.S (Brewster & Boland, 2009). In order to bolster their current position in the global market, Tate & Lyle continues to come up with products and programmes that are responsive to the demands of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Compare & Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism in Ancient India Essay

Compare & Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism in Ancient India - Essay Example This paper will look at the similarities and differences between these two religions in ancient India. Both of these religions which flourished in India recognize the need of man to "escape from the wheel of life." Buddhism and Hinduism teach that man is in a quest to achieve a state where he is freed from all the sufferings of this life. In Hinduism, this is through a transcendental union while the goal of Buddhism is to reach nirvana or become enlightened (Buddha). Both of the religions believe in karma or reaping the fruits of one's actions through reincarnation. These religions teach that a man's life now is the result of what his actions in his past life. Man is not released from the cycle of life unless he attains enlightenment. The basic foundation of a religion is often built on its doctrine of who god is. This is because a religion's god becomes the center of worship. The teachings of Buddhism traces back to the life of Gautama who sought to determine the cause and the cure of human suffering. After enjoying happiness from being the prince in his kingdom, he also exposed himself to sufferings. His prescription is to that a man should live the a life in the middle of these extremes-the middle path. Buddhism therefore doesn't teach salvation through a powerful being becoming a religion which doesn't worship any god. On the other hand, Hinduism is a polytheistic religion worshipping the trinity of god comprised of Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva and other 33,000 dieties. Another difference between Buddhism and Hinduism is their beliefs on the placement of man in the society. It should be noted that as Buddhism teaches the middle path as the perfect way a man can live his life, it strongly pushes for equality among the members of the society. Buddhism teaches that no man should be deprived of the pleasures and life at the same time that no one should be given to sufferings. This ideology pushes for the eradication of the caste society where man is classified according to his social status. In direct contrast, Hinduism adheres to a hierarchical society where some should lead others in order for the society to function efficiently. Thus, the caste system is only just and should be practiced in the whole India. The ends of the two religions are marked by the emergence of a more popular religious belief. In the case of Buddhism, the wide acceptance of Hinduism marks its downfall. The teachings of this religion become confusing to the people with its division into two factions namely, Theravada and Mahayana. With the rise of a hierarchical society which is lead by the wealthy families during the time, its hold in the Indian society is therefore weakened. On the same way, the end of Hinduism is commenced by the arrival of Islam which also introduced new ideas in the society. Instead of ascribing to the polytheistic nature of Hinduism, Islam introduced the worship of only one god as well as the revives the belief on egalitarianism.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The movie battle in seattle compared to Essay

The movie battle in seattle compared to - Essay Example For example, the movie illustrates the world trade organization WTO protest as acts of hooliganism where protesters looted and burned shops. This was not the actual case. Were it not for the brutal force that met the protest by the Seattle police initially, the organizers of the protest after the world trade organization (WTO) conference had planned for a peaceful demonstration insisting that no violence was to be used, (Reitan 89). The Hollywood version of the protest after the world trade organization (WTO) conference is very biased. The Film describes the film illustrates the Events that took place in the city of Seattle in 20th February 1999. It blames the protesters for the outcome of the violence whereas the source of the violence during the protest was police brutality. The film also depicts that the cause of the protest was political while the actual truth is that the protest was protesting against corporate globalization, (WTO people’s history). Corporate Globalizatio n When bureaucratic corporations dominate the economy in hierarchically, it is considered corporate globalization. This is where big corporations and business establishments take control of decisions that affect the economy as a group. They do this to ensure that business keeps flowing on their side hence making very huge profits. The protest that happened in Seattle on November 30th 1999 aimed at fighting this control that big corporations and business institutions have on matters that affect the economy (Chapman 33). There have been other protests such as the protest after the world trade organization (WTO) conference that protests this control of the economy by bureaucratic corporations. Such protests include, Greek protests of May 2010, Global May Day protests in 2006, June 26, 2003 Thessalonika Clashes in Greece, during EU Summit, in 2001 in Quebec City in Canada, during FTAA, in Los Angeles, USA August 11, 2000 Clashes, at the Democratic National Convention and worldwide Carni val against Capitalism in 1999 (Chapman 45). All theses protests were held to demonstrate against the evil of corporate globalization, which is also referred to as corporate capitalism, (Chapman 45). One of the agendas of these protests it spread awareness on the effects that corporate globalization have on the world. These protests have helped a lot because after each protest people know what is happening in the economy of the world because they are received with a lot of press and publicity. These protests have been effective since policies that affect the world’s economy are being determined differently. This means that governments do their own research in order to assist them in making good economic decisions rather than relying on what huge corporations and business organizations advice on. Another effect that these protests have had is that decisions about the economy are not left to countries that dominate the world economy such as the United States of America (USA). N owadays, almost all countries are consulted when it comes to make such decisions. In my opinion, decisions about the world economies should not be left to big corporations and business institutions. However, countries that experience the best economies in the world should be given a lot of attention when it comes to theses decisions. This is because theses countries have advanced their economies to high levels hence, countries with weak economies can learn a lot from them. However, these countries

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Veterans Administration Benefits Essay Example for Free

Veterans Administration Benefits Essay Veterans Administration now known as U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was founded on the 21st of July 1930. It has been established in order to coordinate and consolidate the activities of the government that affects the war of veterans. The functions of the Interior Department and National Home for disabled volunteer soldiers functions were incorporated in the Veterans Administration. President Reagan signed legislation on the 25th of October 1988 creating a new federal cabinet-level department of Veterans Affairs. This legislation replaced the Veterans Administration on the 15th of March 1989. The mission statement of Veterans Administration is what Abraham Lincoln said on his inaugural address, â€Å"To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan. † His statement reflects the principles and philosophy that guides the department in its endeavor. It focuses on serving the Nation’s veterans and their families. â€Å"Its goals is to deliver world-class service to veterans and their families by applying sound business principles that result in effective management of people, communication, technology, and governance. † According to Peter Stenberg, who have served the military camp for 45 years said that the veterans Administration provides different types of services to the citizens of United States. In order to be eligible to this service, an individual must be a veteran, or a dependent of a veteran. If the veteran has died already, the child, parents, or even the spouse is eligible to the service. Active military service member who is on duty and a reserve or National Guard member are also considered eligible. The compensation service is being used if the eligible individual is at least ten percent disabled because of any military service. Eligible member will receive monthly compensation from VA. Pension benefits do not have any time limits for service availment. A veteran must have limited income and who is permanently and totally disabled because of war. Wartime veteran should at least be 65 years old. Educational training is conducted if necessary to be able to finish the rehabilitation goal. VA provides assistance in finding and maintaining suitable employment to eligible individuals. Rehabilitation Services renders rehabilitation and counseling support. Major Craig Wilhelm added that the VA offers different kinds of health care services. It provides dental, outpatient medical, hospital, prosthetic and pharmacy services. It gives nursing home, domiciliary, and community based residential care. It also provides sexual trauma counseling. It specialized health care for female veterans. The department also provides an alcohol and drug dependency treatment. Medical evaluation for military personnel who became disabled because of their military service in the Gulf War, exposure to Agent Orange, radiation, and other environmental hazards. Educational Training is being provided to the active duty service and the reserve/guard service. Active duty service can avail by those whose duty became active from the 30th of June 1985. Eligible individuals can avail on the Montgomery GI Bill. While individuals, whose duties became active from the 1st of July 1985 and before the 1st of July 1985 can avail the Veterans Educational assistance Program (VEAP). The reserve/guard service is being provided to Reserve and national Guard members who are under the Montgomery GI Bill, who have signed a commitment for six years with a reserve unit after the 30th of June 1985 and remain actively drilling and in good standing with their unit. Dependency and indemnity compensation to certain survivors of service members who died during the service duty, who died from service related disability, and VA members how are considered 100% disabled at the time of death are being assisted. Home loan services to veterans, military personnel, and surviving spouses who are eligible for this kind of service are also offered. Jennifer Jones who have been one of the surviving spouses whose husband died during his military service in Afghanistan have availed a home loan provided the different types of home loans. Refinancing Loan is eligible to individuals who have a Veterans Administration mortgage. The department can help in refinancing the loan. An individual may also apply in refinancing a non-Veterans Administration loan. The department also provides guarantee for home improvement, home repair, and for building a home. Special Grant is provided to veterans and military personnel who are handicapped or disabled. They can receive a grant to acquire a house that is suitable in their needs. Veterans Administration is offering different kinds of life insurance depending on the extent of the disability of an individual. Eligibility would range from $10,000 up to $400,000. VA provides certain burial benefits to eligible VA members like making a monument to mark the grave of a veteran, provides presidential memorial certificates, burial in a VA national cemetery, Burial flag or even a reimbursement of burial expenses. A veteran who was disabled because of his service will be able to avail this type of service from VA. This helps eligible veterans in finding, preparing and keeping an employment that is suitable with their current capabilities. For individuals who have serious disability because of his service are offered services improving their ability to live independently. Pat Tillmann, whose almost all of his family served the military not to mention his great grandfather who was assigned in Pearl Harbor, provided the different benefits this type of service can offer. He said that vocational Evaluation is being offered to eligible veterans who are evaluated in terms of their abilities, skills, needs and interests. Vocational Training for non-paid work and on the job training is conducted if it is necessary. Eligible veterans are undergoing vocational planning and counseling. A veteran is eligible either for the full benefits or just a potion depending on the length of military service and discharge or release from active service under different conditions except dishonorable. According to statistics in 1995, VA has met its targeted performance of its service by showing the increased statistical records of veterans with special needs to have improved their health of which includes those members who are considered handicapped and disabled. It was recorded that in 2005 VA have exceeded the 79 percent target to 82 percent in the goal of improving VA members’ social well being, mental functions as well as their ability to function independently. This increased have placed veteran members to have a quality life. The Veterans Claims Assistance Act of 2000 has increased significantly both the complexity and length of claims development. VA’s notification and development duties increased, adding more steps to the claims process and lengthening the time it takes to develop and decide a claim. Mustering-out payment act is a federal law that was passed in 1994. This legislation provided military service men that are returning from the Second World War then were provided with money to start again with their life as a regular citizen. G. I. Bill of Rights was passed on the same year, which is in favor to military service men that returned from a service military duty. They are being offered for a vocational education and a one-year unemployment compensation. It also provides home loans to eligible veterans to start their own business and buy homes. The Department of Veterans Affairs Act of 1988 provided a new name to Veteran Administration. The law made a major reorganization to VA.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sample Outline of Persuasive Speech Essay Example for Free

Sample Outline of Persuasive Speech Essay The Situation. As a project for a community education class, you decide to work with the recreation and education center at a local elderly housing project. The center is woefully short of educational materials, and the only teachers who show up are offering crafts classes. You figure out that here’s a group of less-mobile people who are ripe for Internet educational experiences. Specific Purpose明ç ¡ ®Ã§Å¡â€žÃ£â‚¬ Ã¥â€¦ ·Ã¤ ½â€œÃ§Å¡â€ž. To persuade people sttending the education center to take seriously Web-based classes from around the country. Attention Step I. It’s too easy to assume that older adults only want to play checkers and make Christmas presents our of plastic milk jugs. II. In fact, retirees haven’t given up living and learning. They’re still curious, and now they have time for a broad range of educational experience. Work against stereotypesæˆ Ã¨ §  of the elderly’s lifestyle. Engage them and improve your credibility (trustworthiness). Need Step I. Cognitive psychologyè ® ¤Ã§Å¸ ¥Ã¥ ¿Æ'ç â€ Ã¥ ­ ¦ has shown us that exercising the brain keeps it alive and active longer. A. Mental activity—especially structured activity, such as formal learning—helps to prevent cognitive deterioration.è ® ¤Ã§Å¸ ¥Ã§Å¡â€žÃ©â‚¬â‚¬Ã¥Å'â€" B. Yet the elderly often have trouble traveling to three-times-a-week classes at a local college to get that stimulation. II. Today’s retirees are going to live longer than ever and so must keep learning to keep from falling significantly far behind the rest of society. Work with power motives (especially defense and fear) to make them want to hear more. I. Need Step II. The Internet and the growing number of high-quality World Wide Web-based classes—more than 500,000 now available online—create great opportunities for people living at this housing project. A. You have plenty of computer terminalsè ® ¡Ã§ ®â€"æÅ" ºÃ§ »Ë†Ã§ « ¯ with browers.æ µ Ã¨ §Ë†Ã¥â„¢ ¨ B. Because Internet courses often cost much less than bricks-and-mortar ä ¼  Ã§ »Å¸Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥ ®Å¾Ã¤ ½â€œÃ¤ ¼ Ã¤ ¸Å¡classes—most classes run $300-500—you can afford college-level schooling. C. You’re chatter—good conversationalists—which is just what makes a good Web-based class into a rewarding experience. III. I will spend this semester as a resource person and tutor for you. A. I’ll provide technical help for any of you who’re new to computer work. B. I’ll help you surf the Internet to find a course that is to your liking. C. I’ll be your tutor as well, even setting up some study groups for people who are studying similar kinds of things. Tie your proposal to environmental elements in the center as well as to achievement motives (pride, success, and adventure). Visualizing Step I. Think of what you have available on the Internet A. The California Virtual Campus has over 2000 courses available online. B. Indiana University will let you learn a bachelor’s degree in General Studies electronically. C. The Rochester Intstitute of Technology has serious science and technology courses available to those of you who come out of techinical background. D. The University of California at Berkeley lets you start courses anytime. E. Western Governor’s University will even give you credit for life experience. II. While virtual connections with faculty and fellow students are not as good as face-to-face contact in most people’s opinions, they can be very rewarding. A. Think of the pleasure you can have in chatting about Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist in an Introduction To Victorian Literature course offered by an urban Eastern university. B. Just consider what your life will be like when you can tune into a lecture by a professor working in Cairo while you stay home but are listening alongside a fellow classmate living in Tokyo. C. Because you no longer have to worry about everything you learn being practical, you can take a course in World Politics from the New School for Social Research in New York, and a course in drawing design from the University of Washington. Blend appeals to achievement (prestige, creativity, curiosity and personal enjoyment) and to power (autonomy/independence), using lifestyle characterizers sensitive to some of the usual interest of active elderly people. Action Step I. You all know the value of education; otherwise, you wouldn’t have come to this meeting. A. You all know the value of thinking and understanding and evaluating for your own enjoyment and mental health. B. You all know that these computers would be doing a lot more good around here if they were being used more productively. II. And you all know, I hope, that my commitment to your personal and collective development means that today’s the day to sign up for the virtual ride of your lifetime down the Information Highway. Final appeals to self-achievement and the credibility of the speaker.

The Greek Culture And Oedipus The King

The Greek Culture And Oedipus The King I have chosen to talk about the Greek culture because I believe that our present culture has many similarities to the Greeks culture. Our culture today is actually surprisingly similar to that of the Greeks. Some of these similarities are education, government, and religion. One similarity that we have to the Greeks culture is the Greeks devotion to intellectual integrity and their development of a system of schools. The Greeks understood how important it is to have a good education. I agree with them because I think it is very important to have at least a high school education and I also think it is important to have a college education. I believe that with knowledge comes power and having knowledge can lead to good things. Today, most people basically think like the Greeks did about intellectual integrity and a development of a system of schools. We still see the importance of a good education today. Having a college degree in todays society holds more job opportunities than someone who just has a high school education. One of the main goals of education in Greece was to prepare a child for adult activities as a citizen which is something that our society still does today. Parents prepare their kids for adulthood. Another similarity that we have compared to the Greek culture is there use of a democracy system. The Greeks were actually the ones that created the first democracy. The definition of democracy is the rule of the people. They understood how important it is to include the people in the decisions that are made for a society. When authority figures make decisions on a society without the people of that societys thoughts on those decisions, Im sure that people tend to get pretty upset. The United States still uses a democracy system of government today because, like the Greeks, we see how important it is for the people to have some input as well. The Greeks also had a liberal view toward education that was largely responsible for the downfall of Classical Greek civilization. There are many people that still have a liberal point of view today. We have republicans as well but we still have those liberals. Not only was their democracy important, but the role that the people of their society played were very important as well. In Greek culture, the womans job was to run the house and bear children. In many families today, it is important the woman stays at home and takes care of the house. Of course, it is still very important for women to bear children also. The men spent a great deal of time away from home a nd when they werent involved in politics, they spent time in the fields with their crops. We still see this today. A lot of men spend time away from home because of their job. A lot of people still farm for a living today and those people, during the summer, spend a lot of time away from home taking care of their crops. The last similarity between the Greek culture and our present society that I am going to talk about is religion. The Greeks were deeply religious people that usually worshiped many gods. Not only did the Greeks write stories about gods and goddesses, they also created a lot of art work such as paintings and sculptures that portrayed Greek gods or goddesses. Most people today are still very religious. Almost every religion of today involves the worship of a god. The only religion that I can think of that doesnt worship a god is Atheism and I think that they dont believe in gods. I mean, most of us religious people still go to church, read the bible, and pray in order to worship our god. Although the Greeks were very religious and thought it was very important to worship their gods, they also had an anthropocentric way of thinking. The definition of anthropocentric is basically that man is the center of everything and is most important. In other words, the Greeks believed that they were the most important and maybe even more important than their gods. Sadly, I believe that some or maybe a lot of people still think like this today. I think there are still those people that think that God is very important but when it comes down to it, they think deep down that they may actually be more important and that they are actually the center of everything. I am not anthropocentric at all. I believe that God is most important and that he is the center of everything. Now I am going to talk about the Greek work of literature Oedipus the King. In this story, Oedipus is the ruler of Thebes. Thebes is actually a dying city and Oedipus is deeply concerned of why Thebes is dying. Oedipus is a person that is desperately seeking the truth of things so he goes to a blind man named Tiresias and he tells Oedipus about all of these prophecies involving Oedipus himself. Oedipus does not believe what Tiresias tells him but Oedipus finds out throughout the story that Tiresias prophecies are actually true. The main conflict in Oedipus the King is between belief and reality. The belief is that intelligence makes humanity master of its own fate versus the reality of humanity being helpless against some cruel fate. This kind of goes back to that anthropocentric way of thinking. For a person to think that he or she can control his or her own fate because of his or her intelligence seems like and anthropocentric way of thinking to me. I believe that whatever God has planned is what is going to happen no matter how smart someone is. On page 617, lines 216-219, the chorus of the play says: O golden daughter of god, send rescue radiant as the kindness in your eyes! Drive him back! the fever, the god of death that raging god of war. The chorus is praying that the daughter of god send rescue and drive back the god of death from the city of Thebes. This goes back to the Greeks being very religious people and worshiping gods. All throughout Oedipus the King, the characters talk about some sort of god very often. Today, religious people still pray to their god for help which is what is going on in these lines from Oedipus the King. I can relate to this because if I know someone who is badly in need of help, I pray for him or her in hopes that he or she will receive help which is what the chorus of this story was doing in these lines of the play. The Greek culture had many similarities to our present society today. Some of these similarities are education, government, and religion. The play of Oedipus the King shows characteristics of the Greek culture throughout the play. The Greeks made very important developments and some of them are very evident the present society of today.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Festivals and Holidays of India :: essays research papers fc

There are many holidays and festivals in India. In my report I will explain what the holidays of Holi, Diwali, Dussera, and Basanto commemorate. I will give details about their dates and customs. ****************************** Holi: The Fire Festival The Hindu Fire Festival, called Holi or Basaat is celebrated in India on the fifteenth day of the Light Half of the Moon, in the Hindu month of Phalguna (March). Holi is a spring festival for Hindus. It is celebrated before the monsoon, the great rainstorms which come each year. Holi is a joyous holiday and is celebrated by Hindus of all ages. Boys and girls squirt water pistols, sometimes large pumps filled with saffron or red-colored water. The Hindus favorite colors are red, crimson and saffron. In Bengal, the Holi festival is associated with the life of Krishna, a Hindu god. In Bengal the colored powders are used without the water, for the fun. Before indulging in a feast in honor of Holi, the children change out of their sporty clothes that are covered in red and put on fresh, clean garments. It is customary to exchange gifts in honor of this spring festival. ****************************** Diwali: The Festival of Lights The Hindu New Year, Diwali, is celebrated on the last night of autumn, in October or November. It is a holiday which is celebrated throughout India. It comes at the end of the monsoon rains, when the weather is nice and mild, and lasts for five days. For this holiday, daughters return to their parents' homes, houses are cleared, walls are decorated with designs drawn in white rice flour water and then colored. Business account books are closed and new ones are opened ceremoniously, new clothes are worn and friends are entertained. Before the festival, special food is prepared to be offered in the Hindu temples. In preparation and in honor of this festival of lights clay saucers are filled with mustard oil and floating cotton wicks, giving a soft, glowing light to the homes. These lights are called chirags, and are placed on the window sills and rooftops of houses; along the roads, and on the banks of rivers and streams. Women and girls who live in the sacred city of Banares, take their chirags to the banks of the Ganges River. They quietly light them and put them in the river to float along the water. They hope for their clay boats to float to the other side with the wicks still lit. If they remain lit, it is a sign of good luck. The reason for the lights is to direct Lakshmi; goddess of prosperity to every home.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Death Penalty :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The death penalty or as it is formally called capital punishment should be totally abolished for many reasons. First and foremost no one should have the right to take anyone else’s life, â€Å" neither individually nor as a society representative, has the right to take another man’s life, even apart from the seriousness of his guilt.† (Thinkquest,). Killing is a sin under God. â€Å"Thou shall not kill† is one of the ten commandments. Although not everyone in this country is Christian our constitution was founded on the principle that we are one country under God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout history there have been a number of arguments in favor of capital punishment. These arguments include the deterrent argument, the retribution argument and the protection of the public argument.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The deterrent argument claims that the death penalty serves as a deterrent to criminals because it instills fear sufficiently to stop criminals. However, statistically this has been found not to be true. â€Å"None of the many studies about the matter has been able to show the death penalty is more deterrent than other punishments.† (EZ,). Most people who commit the most serious crimes do so under unnatural circumstances. Fear is not even present. â€Å" Most serious crimes such as murders†¦are committed when the criminal is blinded with passion, when emotions prevail over reason.† (Collegain,). Even those who plan crimes such as murders do so thinking that they are not going to be discovered. â€Å"Criminologist assert that the best way to discourage murderers isn’t by increasing the severity of punishment but by increasing the possibility of discovering the crime and condemning the culprit.†(Thinkquest,).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Retribution as a reason for capital punishment assumes that the public wants revenge. Although victims of crimes and their relatives deserve to know that the criminal is being punished for their crime, our country beliefs in rehabilitation. Penalties do not â€Å"have to tend to the revenge or the mere punishment of the criminal, but must reeducate him and rehabilitate him morally and humanly; and what rehabilitation would be possible towards a dead man.†(EZ).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To protect the public from dangerous criminals it is not necessary to kill them. Again, the idea is that our penal system is supposed to rehabilitate people. In fact, in order to carry out justice and fearing the neglect of details â€Å"and legal means to which the sentenced can apply, protracts trials and postpones the execution, so the condemned its often changed from the man who committed the crime with the result of executing pe3ople different from the condemned ones.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Inhalants :: essays research papers

SLANG TERMS Laughing gas rush whippets poppers snappers Inhalants are breathable chemicals that produce mind-altering vapors. People do not think of inhalants as drugs because most of the products were never meant to be used that way. Inhalants are ingested by "sniffing" or snorting (through the nose), "bagging" (inhaling fumes from a plastic bag), or huffing (stuffing an inhalant soaked rag into the mouth). IMMEDIATE EFFECTS Nearly all inhalants produce effects similar to anesthetics, which act to slow down body functions, yet the user feels stimulated. Other effects may include: Nausea loss of appetite bad breath double vision runny or bloody nose lack of coordination feeling and looking tired eye irritation sneezing, coughing vomiting, diarrhea headache chest pain ringing in ears erratic heart beat LONG-TERM EFFECTS Hand tremors less concern about appearance sores/rash around mouth and nose fatigue, muscle fatigue weight loss electrolyte (salt) imbalance cardiac arrest permanent damage to nervous system brain, liver, kidney, blood, and bone marrow damage impaired respiratory system impaired coordination and intelligence death by asphyxiation/suffocation EFFECTS ON PERSONALITY Psychological effects occur rapidly because the substance travels directly to the brain after passing through the lungs and the left side of the heart. Other effects are: Anxiety, irritability or excitability poor memory, confusion moody, restless activity lack of concentration aggressive behavior FOUR CLASSES OF INHALANTS There are about 1400 products potentially usable as inhalants. Volatile solvents: gasoline, paint thinners, glue, cleaning solutions, etc. Aerosols: spray paints, etc. Anesthetic agents: chloroform, ether, oils and greases dissolves. Amyl, butyl, and isobutyl nitrites: such as room fresheners. INHALANTS AND PREGNANCY The substances in solvents can pass through the placental barrier and enter the fetal bloodstream. However, except for evidence of birth defects among petrol inhalers, the evidence that use of other inhalants or solvents can damage the fetus is inconclusive. All drugs have some effects on the unborn child including chromosomal and fetal damage EXTENT OF USE Young people (ages 7-17) are more likely to use inhalants because they are available and inexpensive. Inhalants rank fourth in popularity behind alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana among young people.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Grass Fed Beef vs. Grain Fed Beef

Matthew Buckman Carla Baku English 1A 10:45 September 23, 2012 Beef Grass Fed Beef vs. Grain Fed Beef Before World War Two (WW2), ranchers raised grass fed cows and that was the norm. But because of the high demand for beef after WW2 ranchers had to change the way they raised cows. Ever since WW2, cows have been raised on grain which has become the norm when it comes to raising cows. That means they are fed mainly corn instead of grass. With the cows being fed corn they get fatter quicker so that means that they are at the weight to get slaughtered quicker.That was until recently when people started questioning corn fed beef and the health risks and how humane it was for the cows. Every year there are millions of cows slaughtered in the U. S for humans to consume. Most of the cows that are slaughtered are grain fed cows. Although some people argue that grain fed beef isn’t worse than grass fed beef in fact we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is more humane fo r the cows, better for the environment and it is healthier than grain fed beef for the consumer and the cows.We should start eating more grass fed beef because it is more humane for the cows. The first way that it is more humane for the cows is that they aren’t cooped up in a feed lot. This means that the cows aren’t kept in a confined space with other cows. They are more freely able to walk around on pastures and have the choice to eat whenever they want instead of having specific eating times. This allows the cows to live as they were meant to instead of the way grain fed cows are just raised for a quicker slaughter.Also with feed lots being such a confined space it collects a lot of manure instead which causes a lot of air and water pollution because the wind blows it up and when it rains it seeps into the groundwater. With grass fed cows being able to roam around on pastures they naturally spread their manure around the pasture which fertilizes the land. Another wa y that grass fed beef is more humane than grain fed beef is that grass fed beef aren’t given antibiotics and hormones like grain fed beef. Grain fed beef needs ntibiotics regularly because of the conditions that they live in. With being cooped up in a feed lot the cows have a lot of health risks such as dust pneumonia and E Coli because of air pollution and water pollution. With grass fed cows being able to roam free on pastures there isn’t as much air and water pollution so there is no need for antibiotics. The last way that grass fed beef is more humane than grain fed beef is that the cows get to live longer lives to get to their slaughter weight.With cows being raised on grass, it takes them roughly twenty-two months to get to their slaughter weight. That’s almost two full years for a cow to live. With cows being raised on grain they only get to live for sixteen months. That’s a full six months less then grass fed cows. I know that if I was a cow, I wo uld want an extra six months to live. Another reason we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is better for the environment. With grain fed beef, the cows manure is scooped up from their cell block and taken to the closet place to the feed lot to be dumped.This ruins the surrounding land because with too much manure being dumped in one place it gives the ground too many nutrients. With there being too many nutrients in the ground, the excess nutrients pollute the soil and water. With grass fed cows being raised in pastures they create and spread fertilizer naturally. This means that less chemicals and pesticides have to be used to fertilize the pastures. With pesticides not having to be used to, that means that less pesticides have the chance to get spread through the air and pollute are water ways and contaminate our drinking water.If pesticides get in our drinking water, it increases the chance of the person drinking the water to have reproductive disorders, and it ca n lead to neurological damage such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. If farmers continually use pesticides to fertilize their land it reduces the soil fertility. All of these things are bad for our environment and with all of the things that are already bad for the environment, why would we add more to it when cows do the same thing naturally? Another way that grass fed beef is better for the environment is grass fed cows use less fossil fuels.Grain fed beef requires more fossil fuel to make the diet of the grain fed cows such as dried corn and soy. With all the required burning of these fossil fuels more carbon dioxide is being released into the air which is contributing to global warming. With fossil fuels burning being directly related to global warming, I think that by using less fossil fuel burning with grass fed beef that grass fed beef is better for the environment. The last reason we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is healthier for the c onsumers and the cows.When eating grain fed beef, you are taking in high levels of bad fats and cholesterol and low levels of good fats and Vitamin E. Grass fed beef is the complete opposite way, you take in high levels of good fats and Vitamin E, and low levels of bad fats and cholesterol. Just by these comparisons here it is clear that grass fed beef is better for the consumers than grain fed beef. Grass fed beef contains iron and calcium and a heavy healthy dosage of protein. This is all healthy for the consumer to eat. This gives the consumers a better healthier option of beef. Dr. Steve Atchley is one of many health-conscious carnivores fueling the trend. ‘I got tired of telling my patients they couldn't eat red meat,’ says the Denver cardiologist. So three years ago, he launched Mesquite Organic Foods, which sells grass-fed beef to 74 Wild Oats stores nationwide. Mesquite's ground beef is 65% lower in saturated fat and its New York strips are 35% lower than conven tional beef, as measured by the USDA. â€Å"Any feedlot-fattened animal has a much higher level of saturated fat than a forage-fed steer,† says Atchley. Another reason we should start eating more grass fed beef is because it is healthier for the cow that we are eating. With grass fed beef the cows are eating what they were meant to eat. Their four stomachs are made to digest grass. With the cows not having trouble digesting grass, the farmers don’t have to give the cows antibiotics and hormones to make digestion easier. So it only makes sense that with grass fed beef being fed grass that they would be healthier than grain fed beef. With grain fed beef being fed corn, and etc. heir stomachs have a difficult time digesting it because their stomachs aren’t meant to digest it. John Robbins a supporter of grass fed beef states, â€Å"When cattle are grain fed, their intestinal tracts become far more acidic, which favors the growth of pathogenic E. coli bacteria, whi ch in turn kills people who eat undercooked hamburger. † With the cow’s stomachs not being able to digest the grain, the farmers have to regularly give them antibiotics and hormones. Farmers now just put the antibiotics and hormones in the grain. Also before he first big hit of the mad cow disease, farmers would feed cows meat from other cows. This practice was basically turning herbivores into carnivores. This is not healthy at all because things like this are not supposed to be changed because you can’t change the way a living animal’s stomach digests something. This made a lot of cows’ sick which in turn makes the consumers sick. Although some people argue that grain fed beef isn’t worse than grass fed beef in fact we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is more humane for the cows, better for the environment and it is healthier for the consumer and the cows.Growing up I used to go to my grandpa’s farm every summer and help him with all of his work. He raised cows and chickens. He raised his cows off of grass instead of grains. So growing up I would always have grass fed beef. I feel that I am a healthy person today because of my grandpa having raised his cows on grass instead of grains. Works Citied Robbins, John. What About Grass-fed Beef?. N. p. , 18 April 2010. Web. 30 Sep. 2012. Roosevelt, Margot. â€Å"The Grass-Fed Revolution. † Time Magazine. 11 Jun 2006: 1. Web. 4 Oct. 2012. .

Friday, August 16, 2019

Theories of Psychological Development

Developmental psychology is the scientific study of human changes across their life span. It is important to study psychological development to understand how and why people go through certain changes throughout their life. There are many different areas of psychological development. Two main areas are perceptual development and emotional development. They both have theories that can be related, but before you can understand the relations, you must first understand the two theories. The theory of perceptual development was created by an American Psychologist named Eleanor Gibson. It states that perceptual development is the process of an infant exploring its constantly changing environment and deciding what to do and how to act with the newly found information. Affordance exploration is also a key feature of perceptual development. Gibson believed that affordances are visual clues to the functions of an object. An example could be a person climbing a ladder. The infant could examine how the ladder needs to have a stable base and lean against a certain object to keep from falling down. When affordances are found, differentiation starts to occur. Gibson’s definition of differentiation is basically the ability to discriminate different environments. If you look back at the ladder example, the infant uses affordances to see the ladder needs support to stay upright. Then the infant uses differentiation to see a person is more safe standing in the middle step of a ladder than the top step. As the infant experiences more and ages, it becomes better at differentiation. Emotional development is based around a theory called the attachment theory which was created by a British psychiatrist named John Bowlby. The attachment theory is the act of developing an affectional bond with someone who is considered a caregiver (Bowlby’s definition was â€Å"a lasting psychological connectedness between human beings†). It is crucial for a child’s behavior in the present and future to have an attachment relationship with a caregiver. Bowlby stated that for an attachment to be strong, four characteristics need to be present: proximity maintenance (the desire to be in the presence of the caregiver), safe haven (returning to the caregiver when feeling unsafe), secure base (considering the caregiver as a source of security) and separation distress (feeling anxious when the caregiver is not present for an extended period of time). Bowlby believed that strong attachment relationships develop after the caregiver and child become closer. Mary Ainsworth (a previous student of Bowlby) was an American Psychologist who believed that there are three types of attachments: secure, avoidant and resistant. A secure attachment is formed when the caregiver is used as a safe home and the infant feels less safe when the caregiver is absent than when they are present. An avoidant attachment is basically the opposite of a secure attachment. It is when the caregiver is considered a stranger by the child and they try to avoid the caregiver as much as possible to feel safer. A resistant attachment is a lot more complex than the other types of attachments. It occurs when the caregiver is unresponsive to the child’s needs making them feel unsure what they want or need which makes them feel unable to count on their caregiver. There are some relationships between the theory of perceptual development and the attachment theory. According to the two theories, both require a responsible caregiver for a child to have a proper and healthy development to be able to experience affordances and to have the right caregiver provide the environment to do it in. Also, your caregiver could be responsible for a child not learning certain affordances which could affect them in their future life. Another way to look at it is if a caregiver never provided the chance for the child to experience affordances related to a job that requires experience in, say, the construction industry, then they will struggle psychologically in the future to earn that job or any job that they may want. Perceptual and emotional development are both very important to a child’s psychological development. It is important to understand the two main theories behind them to learn what is required for a child to develop healthy and normally to live the life that they want to live.

Montessori Method and Child

The sequence of exercises through which the child is introduced to group operations with golden beads. â€Å"If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is life to be hoped from it in the bettering of man’s future† (Maria Montessori – The discovery of the child) Dr. Montessori recognized that children are born with a particular kind of mind, one that is naturally inclined towards order.This ‘special’ mind is what gives humans the ability to make judgments and to calculate; it is how we have progressed in fields such as engineering and architecture. Dr. Montessori called this ‘the mathematical mind’ – a term borrowed from the French physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Montessori felt that, if we are to support development, then we must offer mathematics at an early age since this is the kind of support that is appropriate for the kind of mind that we have. S he observed: Great creations come from the mathematical mind, so we must always consider all that is mathematical as a means of mental development. It is certain that mathematics organizes the abstract path of the mind, so we must offer it at an early age, in a clear and very accessible manner, as a stimulus to the child whose mind is yet to be organized. ’ (Maria Montessori – The discovery of the child) Dr.Montessori believed that children pass through sensitive periods when they possess a unique and amazing aptitude for learning; to take advantage of these sensitive periods, we must prepare environment to simulate their particular interests and allow them to exercise their innate ability to learn. I began to understand to that the shelf-works are actually the practical life and sensorial exercises that are as necessary as the materials insolated qualities physically and prepare the children before they begin the mathematics learning.From the course manual and the var ious reading materials, I began to discover some important elements that will lead the children to progress mathematics learning from concrete to abstract using Montessori methods in teaching. These elements are:1) The Montessori Sensorial materials and Exercises 2) The Practical life materials and Exercises 3) The unique Montessori mathematics curriculum and materials When we think of Montessori Mathematics, we cannot just consider math materials only because sensorial training is of great importance in teaming the basics of mathematics.The entire sensorial materials for dimension (knobbed cylinders, pink tower, broad stairs and long rods) are in sets of ten. When the child works with the sensorial materials, he is indirectly learning the units of measurement, the ‘tenness’ in the materials. For example, when the child has mastered the arrangement of the long rods, he has a sensorial basis for counting tens. The long rods are identical top the number rods: the child al ready has an impression and is familiar with the long rods which make learning concepts of 1-10 easier when the child is being introduced to number rods.The long rods act as an indirect preparation for a more advanced activity. Dr. Montessori stated that the long rods provide an absolute and a relative concept of numbers. As the children handled and compared would help them to various combinations and contracts. (The Discovery of the Child, Pg. 264) The sensorial exercises are based on a logical learning sequence. It goes from the concrete to the abstract an example of geometry: In the traditional system, when we introduce ‘triangle’, we would show children a plane figure enclosed by 3 straight lines but is quite an intellectual concept and children are being ‘told’ then ‘discover’.However, Montessori Method introduces the triangle in the form of solid wooden insets which can be taken out and fitted into corresponding wooden sockets. When the c hild ‘tough’ and ‘see’, he forms a visual image of the object and make it easier to remember. Secondly, the child is given the ‘triangle’ printed on cards wholly filled in. thirdly, the ‘triangle’ is not filled in now, but drawn with thick outlines. Fourthly, the ‘triangle’ is shown by a thin outline only and lastly it arrives at the Euclidean Definition of a triangle, i. e. a plane figure enclosed by 3 straight lines.In this example, the child has gone through five stages before reaching the abstract concept. (The Course Manual, Pg. 73) The materials also contain a control of error, e. g. in the cylinder blocks, directress will not tell a child if he makes a mistake in placing the cylinder back, the child will make his own judgment when he discovers on his own if the cylinder will not fit in a hole that is too small, this guides him to accurate observation and also builds up the child’s perseverance skills, tha t teachers him not to give up so easily.The sensorial materials basically help the child to learn through their senses. According to Dr. Maria Montessori, there is a purpose for sensory education: â€Å"It is exactly in the repetition of the exercises that the education of the sense consists the aims of the exercises are not that the child shall know colours, form and the different qualities of objects, but that he refines his sense through an exercise of attention, of comparison of judgment. Maria Montessori The sensorial materials provide the child with plenty of opportunities to improve his attention span as the child is allowed to work with the material as long as the child’s interest may hold. The sensorial didactic materials such as the cylinder blocks, the Colour tablets, the geometric cabinet and many other exercises provide the child the skills to make comparison and judgment that are so essential to prepare the child to the next level of learning.When the children work with the sensorial materials, they are being introduced to the idealization of things and isolation of qualities. It fosters concentration and thinking skills, which develop the mathematical mind. The Practical life exercises in everyday living skills help the child to improve his fine motor skills, eye-hand co-coordination and concentration. The activities are familiar tasks to their home settings, such as pouring, transferring, sweeping or even cleaning the shoes. For example, the child begins with simple pouring exercise like pouring water into a bottle with a funnel.These simple exercises prepare the child indirectly for mathematical concepts such as volume and capacity. The practical life materials are mostly practical and creatively made or assembled by the teachers. The various exercises often begin from simple to more complexes in design and usage. Each material has a definite purpose and meaningful to the child. The directress will also observe different childrenâ€⠄¢s capabilities and arrange the shelves with activities helping to progress in their learning paths. These purposeful activities help to assist children in their development: physically, cognitively, socially and emotionally.They increase the children’s attention span, help them to understand achieving objectives through set sequence and gain a sense of â€Å"I can do it† independence. These Practical life exercises ultimately help the children with three basic mathematical skills: exactness, calculations and repetition. Obviously, the Practical Life and Sensorial activities and materials have indirectly preparing them for learning the mathematical concepts and building a strong platform of foundation even before the child begins mathematical learning. Dr.Montessori also knew that the child aged six and under learns through his senses and through movement, that is, through hands-on, manipulation. She concluded that she needed to provide mathematical concepts in a conc rete form, which would be accessible to the children's senses. A prime example is the material used to introduce the concept of quantity: the Number Rods. These wooden rods are painted in sections of red and blue so that each section represents the addition of a unit. The rod for two is therefore twice as long and twice as heavy as the rod of one; that the rod for ten is ten times larger than that for one is strikingly apparent.In traditional education, on the other hand, mathematics is taught in a less hands-on manner. The child is given the abstract symbol as a starting point. Beads on a thread may be used to practice counting to ten, but it is more often done aloud or in the form of songs. Recognizing the symbol and counting up to ten does not imply an understanding of what these numbers mean; they are simply symbols and words to be said in sequence. Furthermore, counting individual objects such as beads requires the child to make the additional mental step of grouping objects to gether in order to come up with the quantity.Far clearer is the Montessori approach of presenting the idea of the quantities as a whole using the Number Rods. As Dr. Montessori wrote, ‘When, on the other hand, in ordinary schools, to make the calculation easier, they present the child with different objects to count, such as beans, marbles etc. , and when, he takes a group of eight marbles and adds two more marbles to it, the natural impression in his mind is not that he has added 8 to 2, but that he has added 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 to 1+1.The result is not so clear, and the child is required to make the effort of holding in his mind the idea of a group of eight objects as one united whole, corresponding to a single number, 8. This effort often puts the child back, and delays his understanding of number by months or even years (Maria Montessori – The discovery of the child) The Montessori mathematics curriculum is organized into six groups.It begins with Group one introducing units of quantity from 1 – 10 using various concrete materials like the number rods, number cards, sandpaper numerals, spindle box, cars and counters and number games to learn the names of the numbers and repetition learning in counting from 1 – 10. The materials are designed to prepare the child indirectly for further learning. For example, the sandpaper numerals are used to teach children the name of the numbers from 1 – 10. By tracing the numerals with his fingers; he builds a muscular memory of the numerals and therefore prepare him to write numbers.The number ‘Zero’ is being introduced through the spindle box when the child learns that ‘zero’ means ‘nothing’ and he does not put any spindles into the spindle box compartment that shows the numeral ‘0’. Each topic is presented to the child individually. The teacher also uses the ‘three period lesson’ to teach the concept of the numbers 1 – 10. For Example by using the sandpaper numerals. First period: The teacher places the sandpaper numeral 1 in front of the child and says, â€Å"This is one. † She also traces 1 using two fingers. She continues with numeral 2 and numeral 3.Second period : To test if the name of the numerals is associated in the child’s mind. The teacher places both the numerals 1 and 2 in front of the child and asks, â€Å"Show me the numeral 2† and asks child to trace 2, followed by â€Å"Show me the numeral 1† and trace 1. The teacher moves on to the next stage should the child succeed in the association. Third Period : The teacher points to the numeral 1 and asks, â€Å"What numeral is this? † If the child is able to name the numerals, she replaces it with the other numerals and asks the same question.Once the child has mastered the thorough knowledge of the units, then he will be introduced to the whole decimal system, learning the names of the power of ten usi ng the bead materials which is Group two. The children are given concrete experiences with the units, tens, hundreds and thousands; and these learning are made possible and easy because of the golden beads and colorful bead stair. Montessori golden beads are golden beads of the same size, which are used to help children understand unit, quantities of tens, hundreds and thousands.A single bead comprises one unit. Ten beads strung on a wire indicate ten. One hundred is indicated by ten bars side by side, which makes a square, and one thousand is ten one hundreds staked on top of each other, making a cube. It uses sensorial approach as the different bead materials can be differentiated in depth, weight and quantity. (www. montessori. com/goldenbeads) The children will explore the quantities and place values as they count though the units, tens hundreds and thousands using the materials.As the children can see visually, making it easier for them to associate the name of the numerals wit h the quantities. With the use of the materials like the large number cards, children also begin to link written symbol with quantities. All these exercises help to prepare the children as they progress towards abstract learning later on. Next, in Group three, the child first learn with the beads and the beads are arranged vertically to help the child to associate his learning later when he is being introduced to use sequin board A to learn 11 – 19 and sequin board B to learn 10,20,30,†¦. 0. Correspondingly, the child is also using the sequin board B and the golden beads to reinforce concepts of learning numerals 11 -99. The correct number of ten bars and short bead stair provide control of error and give the child the muscular impression of the quantities. In Group four, the children are being introduced to not just addition and subtraction but also to multiplication and division. It is not yet written in the book but as a sensorial level with an interesting set-up of a banker and two players.The children will fetch the beads, large numeral cards, small numeral cards on trays, making it fun like a trading game, but most importantly, the children are learning. All the directress has to do is to guide the children, observe their learning capacities and enjoy playing in the game as well. When the children have enough learning and understanding with the operation of decimal system, the children progress on to the next level. This is Group five. Lastly in Group six, the children will begin to transit to abstraction as they move on to internalize the function of arithmetic.At this point, the children would have a good foundation practicing the individual sums with golden beads. Conclusion Indeed, the Montessori mathematics materials and methods have proven its efficiency that is necessary for laying the foundation of counting and arithmetical operations. These key elements of sensorial learning, practical life exercises and mathematics materials are imp ortant process for children to learn from concrete to abstract in mathematical learning. The child is free to explore the material for mathematics material at his own pace, without pressure.The materials are designed with their own ‘control of error’ so the child is always able to assess his own progress. He is introduced to the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in group activities where he is given an actual concrete experience of the meaning of these functions. For example, he experiences addition as the putting together of two quantities that results in the production of a larger quantity and multiplication as a special addition in that it is the putting together of quantities that are all the same.The working in groups appeals to his need to interact socially at this age in sharp contrast to the solitary approach of the traditional ‘worksheet’. The Montessori approach results in the concepts being fully understood at a time when it is easy for the child to understand as long as the ideas are presented to him through the manipulation of concrete materials. By the time the children are six years old they have a solid knowledge of mathematics that will stand them in good stead not only for further study, but also for many other aspects of everyday life